No Surgery
Don't give up yet. I just read where someone had their claim reviewed by their state and won. Here is the link:
Hi Sarah,
Sorry to hear about your problem.Maybe you can get a lawyer to write a letter for you saying the you really need it.I tried getting Dr. RAU to do mines but my ins . is not in there system.I`m from Lockport
I just started my test`s for my surgery.I have to go to West Jefferson Hospital thats a long drive from here when you have a big surgery like GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS YOU AND PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP.....HUGSSS Jane Griffin

Hi Sarah! Don't give up girlfriend. Believe that God will take care of you as long as you let Him. There are other options out there. Have you ever considered going out-of-country? That is what I am researching doing right now. I have tried going through insurance but you are right, they could really care less about your wellbeing. Anyway, you should read Dina's story. It is really inspiring. Here is the link:
There is also another lady, Samantha, that I have spoken with a few times. Her husband didn't want her to go out-of-country for the surgery so she pooled all of her energy and fought her insurance, CIGNA, tooth-and-nail. She fought her insurance for over 2 years and wrote letters to her representative, senator, governor....pretty much anyone with clout. Sam finally got accepted just the other day and now has a surgery date in March. So you see, it is possible. You just have to believe that God takes care of his children.
Hope this helps
I know the feeling - my ins. co. denied me too no matter if I was half dead or not! Really makes me mad!
I just now, today came back on this site to look around because now I'm on medicaid and plan to get them to pay for it........feel free to email me if you'd like - [email protected]
I am so sorry to hear about BCBS. Have you filed a claim with the insurance commisioner. Maybe we should push for a law in this state that will require them to pay. You have my email address if you want we should get together and talk about pushing this to the state level and if that does not work go to the federal. You will be in my prayers and I am willing to do anything I have to in order to make a difference on this.