
(WINNERS ANNOUNCED) I'm Here, Let Me In! (OH New Orleans Event Ticket ONLY)

on 8/11/11 1:46 am - MA
I want to go.
on 8/11/11 2:14 am
 Thank you!!

 Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can.

on 8/11/11 2:44 am - Grand Prairie, TX
I would love to go!

Keeping track of my progress without a scale...Starting size: 28-Current size: 6-Goal size: 14

sand SAND...it's not a club...it's a frame of mind...

on 8/11/11 2:46 am - Bogalusa, LA
I want to come!
Mr Mom
on 8/11/11 2:54 am
Please oh Please!
I'd love to go and be with my WLS family!... Craig

Heaviest:406 | Surgical Weight:366 | Current Weight:290 | Goal Weight:250

on 8/11/11 3:08 am - clermont, FL
I wanna go.................
Lacey S.
on 8/11/11 3:28 am - MS
I'm in Mississippi, I wanna go!!!
318   299   176  150

HW   SW   CW   GW
on 8/11/11 3:35 am - LA

Live on the other side of the river from the event and would love to go!

If you fear nothing, then you love nothing. If you love nothing, what joy can there be in life?
                       VSG-3/3/2011 HW-308 SW-298 CW-152 GW-160
                                                156LBS. LOST

on 8/11/11 3:48 am - Clayton, NC
Pick me!!   I would love to go!

Come visit my blog...www.losingmyinhibitions.wordpress.com

on 8/11/11 4:47 am - TX
I was too shy to go to the one in Houston last year.. but now I'm not.  Please choose me.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr

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