
on 5/15/11 10:19 am
Hey gurl how r you?   I hope all is well. Hollar back let me know how you r doing.

on 5/19/11 7:58 am - vinton, LA
Hey girl Sorry I have not been on. we are in the process of moving and the end of the semester and kids getting out of school so it has been CRAZY around here. I am doing good. I have been in a slump this last month. It is my own fault for getting away from what I know I need to be doing. I amd down to 293 from 357 so not too bad. I still have  a ways to go. I get my blood work back tomorrow to see how things are. I hope they are good. How are you doing? I hope that all is well. Are you ready for summer. I went for my first swim last weekend. It was awesome. Ready for a break so i can realy exercise. Anywho All is well here and I will be posting a pic this weekend.
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