I finally was able to reach the nurse today after calling for two weeks and leaving messages for her to call me. I wanted to know that my stuff was in fact faxed for approval on Nov. 22 like I was told it would be. The nurse informs me today that she did not fax it until December 10th. That is so infuriating. All it had to do was be written up and faxed. They have had alllll of my stuff since October 27th. I rushed and rushed to get all of the test completed as soon as I could and then the Dr office just sits on my stuff like they don't care. UGGGG My blood pressure is so thru the roof. If they would just get on the ball and let me have my surgery I will get out of their face and leave them alone. I have been on a liquid diet forever so that I " would be a good little patent" only to be put off by them. Grr I understand they have other patients but dammit I am one too!!!
Sorry guys just had to rant. I feel so let down by my Dr office. I don't even know what to say anymore.
Sorry guys just had to rant. I feel so let down by my Dr office. I don't even know what to say anymore.
I am sorry that they are dragging their feet on this. I guess they do not understand that those of us doing the gastric bypass surgery are wanting our life back!! At least you know it was faxed 11 days ago. Did they tell you how long it usually takes to get approval back? Hopefully it won't be long.
Are you still wanting to go to the support group meeting tom. night(Tues.)? Let me know. You can call me, you have my cell #.
Are you still wanting to go to the support group meeting tom. night(Tues.)? Let me know. You can call me, you have my cell #.
Unfortunately I got a call yesterday that the In Laws wasnt to do christmas tonight because a family member from Georgia is leaving to go back tomorrow. I wish some people planned stuff better but lol some are not OCD like me about things like that. I plan everything. Thanks for the response. I told my family nothing was going to make me miss next months meeting except surgery
. I realy wish I was going to be there tonight. I was realy looking forward to meeting you and hearing all the things about our surgeries. I was told that my insurance has 14-24 working days to respond. All I can do is still wait. Have fun tonight. Let me know what happens....Sherri

oh, sherri, i am so sorry the dr's office is dragging their feet; if only they would walk in our shoes for 2 months and see how we feel about the surgery taking longer to happen than we want; remember to put it in god's hands as he knows best for us; maybe for a good reason things are being delayed...i definitely know how u feel...keep ur chin up, girl, it is going to happen!!!
first of all RELAX, take a few deep breaths and calm down!
remember that everything happens for a reason. keep in mind that around Nov. 22 the office staff was preparing for thanksgiving vacation. they have numerous patients and it's a surgery clinic and not got for weight loss patients. you just need to give it time, you will get approved! believe me, i have been on this same roller coaster, i was approved and scheduled for surgery several times before i actually had my procedure done. keep the faith and keep up the good work with the liquid diet, it will all be worth it int he end, just wait and see. Your time is coming and there is plenty of room for you on this loser's bench.
Merry Christmas!
remember that everything happens for a reason. keep in mind that around Nov. 22 the office staff was preparing for thanksgiving vacation. they have numerous patients and it's a surgery clinic and not got for weight loss patients. you just need to give it time, you will get approved! believe me, i have been on this same roller coaster, i was approved and scheduled for surgery several times before i actually had my procedure done. keep the faith and keep up the good work with the liquid diet, it will all be worth it int he end, just wait and see. Your time is coming and there is plenty of room for you on this loser's bench.
Merry Christmas!
Thanks angel. I just feel forgotten about from Oct 27th- December 9. they had all of my stuff and it took them that long to write one letter to the insurnace requesting the surgery. I know it will happen. I will now have to redo my cardiologist becaue it has been so long. She didnt even know she had everything when I spoke to her on November 9th. Then she said she would put it on Dr. Ass desk for letter to be written. A month later it was finally written and faxed. I know all patients are importand but it did not think it would take that long to do the letter. i am ready now to just get it over with and be on the loser bench. I want to feel better. AND MOST OF ALL I WANT TO GET AWAY FROM ALL THE LIQUIDS. lol I have been on them for forever. Hopefully soon.
I hope that all of OH and all of my friends have a VERY MERYY CHRISTMAS and may god bless you all.
I hope that all of OH and all of my friends have a VERY MERYY CHRISTMAS and may god bless you all.
Sherri, I missed the meeting also. My youngest child was sick and didn't want me to leave. I will def make it next month. I was also looking foward to meeting you. If you come to the lake charles area give me a call and maybe we can meet up. After the holidays life hopefully won't be so hectic.
Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas!!
Did they tell u to start the liquid? I read anothe girls post about what they told her and thought it was odd that they told her to start liq after christmas but she does not have a surgury date,hmmm.The longest to be on liq is normally 30 days and some drs only have you do 7 days,wow,just wow.My hubby only had to do 7 days I think for his.
The liquid diet for us usually is two weeks. They did not tell me to get on the liquid diet but I was on it already because I was trying to get a head start so that when I received my letter they could give me the next available surgery date. Lord I didn't know it would be this long. The holidays have been the hardest. I didn't even get a Christmas stocking. I usually go into my room while the family eat supper so I don't have to sit and watch them eat even tho I cooked it lol. I read that crazy duck was told to start it after Christmas but they haven't even sent her stuff off for approval yet so IDK. Seems like she will be on liquids for more than two weeks like me. I am waiting to get a surgery date and pre-op appointment. Only the nurse can set it up so I have to wait for her to get back in the office. Shes out until Monday. So another week waiting. lol I have been waiting more than I have anything. But it will worth it in the end. So patience is the one thing I will tell you that you need the most of.
Yes I was told to supplement 1 meal a day with liquid, and after Christmas to do all liquid. Well i too am waiting to hear if the damn cardio doc, which is in Tulane, has even sent a short letter, she is approved. They (Shelia) said she sees where i went and got an EKG, but no letter from doc. I am getting a little frustrated, but know in due time it WILL happen. And no im not starting a pure liquid till about 1 to 2 weeks before my surgery day! Let us pray, it is Friday, so Monday morning we will call with vengeance! lol