I am now waiting on my approval!
I went to my appt yesterday with Vanessa, and have been summitted for approval with medicaide. She has told me to start on the protein shakes 1 meal a day, get a doctor to prescribe diet pills, start the liquid vitamins and calcium. Her and Ms. Shelia hugged me and said "am I sure im ready for this?" YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like im in a dream that is finally unfolding.They said I did a great job getting all this ready, and after christmas to start all liquid diet, to get my body ready. Oh also EXERCISE! Im so excited! Thanks for reading! Love Leigh

A very sweet lady on here shared the number to Dr. Bellows with me May 18th. I called and had my first appointment set for June 16th but they canceled and moved it to July 6th. Now I am waiting on my letter from Medicaid saying that I can have the surgery. They take their time on things but eventually it will happen.