x-post: Wanna know why I hate shopping at Goodwill?
I hate shopping at the Goodwill stores in my area because they sort everything by color, not by size. So to find things in my size, I'd have to look at every piece of clothing on every rack in the store. My daughter lives in Nebraska and loves to shop at Goodwill, but in their stores, the clothes are sorted by size - the way God intended for clothes to be sorted. How is it done at the stores in your area?
It took me a little while to find out but the area goodwills where I live have a rack with large clothing sorted by color that is seperated from the rest of the store as the last rack in the back. Maybe you can ask the managers if that is done or if it could be done in the future. There's so many plus size people shopping now a days that it just makes sense. Just a suggestion. I love thrift store shopping but it's a major hassle to look through everything just to find our sizes. :0)
I haven't been in a couple of months, but last time I went to our Goodwill in DeRidder, Alexandria, and Pineville, they were all sorted by size. Come on over and shop with us!!
Frances S. is my ANGEL!
381/287/120- HW/CW/GW I'm 5'2"