Moving to Louisiana and Lost
Hello all!! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day. I am currently in Clarksville Tn. My husband is in the military and has recieved his orders to leave this place after 5 years and move to Fort Polk La. the first weekend of October. My question is....does anyone know of any surgeons near Leesville La where I may continue my fills. I had my surgery on May 28th of this year and I am looking around to find someone to continue my fills in La. Of course the must accept Tricare insurance. Which I will investigate that. All I need is a direction on where to go and to whom. If anyone can help me please let me know......I am so lost

Hi! I know how you feel about having to change doctors. As far as I know, I believe most of the people at Fort Polk are patients of Dr. Keith Chung in Lake Charles Louisiana which is about a 65 mile drive from FP. Here is the link to his site Maybe someone else will jump in with another doctor suggestion. There may be one at FP that I am unaware of. Best of luck to you and BTW, tell your husband thank you for serving in our country and thank you for being supportive of him!
People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown
Thank you so much for responding. I will definelty check into that Dr. I see his name quite often here in the Louisiana forum. I don't mind commuting. My surgeon here is 45 minutes to an hour away. I just want to make sure I get those fills if will definetly let my husband know. He has been in the service now for 12 years, and he loves it and I support him anyway I can. It can be difficult at times, but we manage. I can't wait to make new friends and get to know more Bandsters in La. Do ya'll have any get togethers with ones who have had weight loss surgery? not just support group meetings, but like meet for lunch or something to get to know one another?
I made an attempt to have an in person support group here in DeRidder and it was going good for a couple of months and most decided that they could do it on their own or did not want anyone to know that they had surgery. I just recently spoke with Gayla S. on possibly trying to get an in person group together in the Leesville/FP area. I am always wanting to meet up with people for lunch/dinner or planned activities to get to know each other better . I have traveled to Houston, Dallas & Washington DC to meet up with WLS for meet and greets and OH conferences. As a matter of fact the DeRidder Junior Women's Club is sponsoring the Breast Cancer Walk on the 17th of October. I know this will be a couple of weekends after you will have moved to the area, but it would be neat if you could participate. DeRidder is about 10-12 miles from FP. I look forward to meeting you!
Welcome to Louisiana!
There are a lot of wls patients at Fort Polk right now ... don't worry, you won't be lost. I think the closest surgeon to you who accepts Tricare is Dr. Keith Chung in Lake Charles. I grew up in Lake Charles and my dad worked at Fort Polk and commuted for 26 years. It's not a bad ride at all for fills and follow-up care.
Dr. Keith Chung works out of Womans and Childrens in Lake Charles.
I hope this helps.
There are a lot of wls patients at Fort Polk right now ... don't worry, you won't be lost. I think the closest surgeon to you who accepts Tricare is Dr. Keith Chung in Lake Charles. I grew up in Lake Charles and my dad worked at Fort Polk and commuted for 26 years. It's not a bad ride at all for fills and follow-up care.
Dr. Keith Chung works out of Womans and Childrens in Lake Charles.
I hope this helps.
A Banded Brain! (read blog)
"Banded for life, switched for good, bypassed by none" (revised, work in progress)
Hello! First off, let me say, welcome to Louisiana! I live in Leesville so hopefully we can meet up after you get here. As Faith posted above, we are going to try to get a support group going here in Leesville. I think it will be a success!! I can't really help you as far as close surgeons because I went to Lafayette to have my surgery and I didn't have the band but I do hear a lot of locals go to Dr. Chung in Lake Charles. Don't worry about being lost, we will help get you in the right direction and consider yourself already with lots of friends! If you want, you can private message me and I will send you my phone number so we can talk about getting together after you get here. Again, welcome to Louisiana!!
Frances S. is my ANGEL!
381/287/120- HW/CW/GW I'm 5'2"
Well, I live in Pinevile, (CENLA) and I had my surgery in Lafayette. I had RNY so I won;t be much help to you. I just wanted to say welcome to Louisiana. I hope you will be able to find everything you need. My son-in-law and my daughter are stationed at Ft. Sill OK, so I want to second the Thank you to your husband and to you. My son-in-law just came back from Afghanistan in June so I know how hard it is for the family members as well as the soldiers.
Good Luck to you!
Good Luck to you!
Thank you so much for your input. It does not matter what weight loss surgery you had....we are all in the wls family together and that is what we do.....encourage, and help one another out no matter how we put our input in.....I thank you for it! I cannot wait to get down there we are so excited. I have not been able to post as much as I would like with all the packing and getting things together around here. Hope to meet all my wls friends from down there and get good support from one another.....until then...have a wonderful blessed day!!!