closest support group..louisiana or mississippi
I'm very unsure about Mississippi. There is a small group in Monroe, but I'm unsure if they have an established support group. Natchez is about a little more than an hour from Baton Rouge and I noticed your doctor is from BR.
New U has members from his practice and we would love to have you. We meet the first Thursday of each month and the third Tuesday. Please let me know if you need specifics or directions. We meet first at Our Lady of the Lake and at Pennington.
My best to you,
New U has members from his practice and we would love to have you. We meet the first Thursday of each month and the third Tuesday. Please let me know if you need specifics or directions. We meet first at Our Lady of the Lake and at Pennington.
My best to you,

A Banded Brain! (read blog)
"Banded for life, switched for good, bypassed by none" (revised, work in progress)