(To Be Continued) I have a date
I'm with ya, girl!!!! I'm HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY for you . . you have been an inspiration to so many people and have helped so many people --- it's now your turn. I am happy that your decision is made to have the "sleeve" and you know I have so much confidence in Dr. LeBlanc . . he's the greatest!!!! I will keep you in my prayers --- and maybe even do a "dance" for you --- I do a little dance to "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" . . you give me the word and I'll do it when you're ready --- maybe at the hospital??? Well, I guess I better behave there!!!! Take care and see you soon . . another great newsletter . . thanks . . 



I rarely post, but I do 'lurk' and always read yours. You have been an inspiration for me, thank you. I'm praying for you! Best wishes, Nonnie
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. (Mark Twain)