Anybody looking for a job in Houma?
Hi Everyone. My cousin is looking for an Administrative Assistant in the Houma area and asked me to spread the word. Here is a letter she sent.
Hi All,
We’re looki ng for an admin istra tive assis tant at ES&H in our Houma offic e and my HR Manag er asked if I could sprea d the word. She’s tryin g to find someo ne to fill the spot rathe r quick ly so we’re tryin g every thing to get the word out. It’s a full time posit ion; rate of pay is $8 - $10 with full benef its. Pleas e rack your brain to see if you know anyon e looki ng for somet hing admin istra tive.
ES&H is a wonde rful and fast growi ng compa ny that I reall y enjoy worki ng for.
They can uploa d their resum e to our websi te www. esand h. com/ emplo yment.
If you do send someo ne, let me know so I can let HR know. And let me know if there are any quest ions… I can go into more detai l on the posit ion if neede d.
Thank s for any help you can give!
Miki G. Rieth
Marke ting Manag er
Envir onmen tal Safet y & Healt h Consu lting Servi ces, Inc.
miki@ esand
www. esand h. com
Offic e - ( 985) 851- 5350
Cell - ( 985) 804- 5655
Hi All,
ES&H is a wonde
They can uploa
Miki G. Rieth
www. esand
Cell - (