"Louisiana Invasion, Part Deaux"
Hi Dana,
Like I said in my PM a week or so ago I don't come on the LA board much....
I marked the date on my calendar so I am a go....I will need a room with a king...my DH said he would even come, surprised the heck out of me since he is not into this kind of stuff. HA HA....I guess it is called payback, I always complain that I go to his stuff and he never joins me. Not sure I want him to come with me this time. Just joking!!!
Looking forward to meeting everyone.
~~Jodi~~ Actually below goal with 100lbs loss
Hi, kinda new but thought I would check out the Louisiana board and I am glad that I did. I will possibly be post op by then (HOPING) and would love to come, would need a room with 2 doubles, will probably bring my bff who will be one year post op by then, leaving the hubby and kids at the HOUSE. Keep me posted. Thanks Jennifer
Laugh a Little Every Day