2 months ago today...
Two months ago today I bought a ticket for the greatest thrill ride of my life! Now 45 pounds later, I can say the money was well spent. For a person whose life has been a roller-coaster ride of ups and downs, there is no comparison for the excitement and satisfaction I have experienced in the past eight weeks. I have formed wonderful relationships with people who now mean the world to me. I have stood in awe each time I board the scale for my weekly readings. And I haven't even begun to mention the health benefits which have been afforded me as a result of this miracle of miracles in my life. I am no longer in need of blood pressure medicine or blood sugar medicine. My llfe has gone from sedentary to moderately active. Just last week, I shopped with my shopaholic sister for 7 (yes seven) hours at our local mall. Yesterday morning I walked her two large dogs (at the same time) and did not need a breathing treatment! I have attended several parties and celebrated Thanksgiving without gaining an ounce. I just want to say thankyou to God for this miracle of miracles in my life. And to post this as a form of encouragement to anyone struggling with saying yes to wls. I'm so glad I did!
Congratulations and it only gets better I am now almost two years out in May I will be and it has been the best thing I ever done. I have lost 250 pounds in two years and a week and a half ago I had a hysterectomy and a pannieculectomy done and am doing great and they cut 16 pounds and 11 ounces off my stomach.
It is awesome that you have done so well! That extra 16lbs 11 oz must have felt great coming off!