
congrats to u ..!!! lots of ppl ask me if i am scared ...but i am not ...well not at this point..and i have 2 days left.....i am really excited....i know it wont be easy ...but i look forward to being healed and working with my new tool...

I even ventured out today by myself, to Walmart of all places. But I knew they had a good stock of the electric carts. The thing I found that bothered me the most was the smells inside the store. I never noticed it before, but there are thousands of smells and some were not pleasant. So my advice for anyone is avoid places with strong smells for awhile. Even with that, my outing went well, and I felt better for having gotten out and getting back to life.
I wish you much luck with your surgery, and if you wish to talk, let me know and I'll send you my email.
Hi, Dr. Stevens did my surgery two and a half years ago. He is wonderful and very kind. Good luck, you will do great! I'm in Lafayette, Nonnie

hello...sorry to everyone that posted here...for somereason i was not getting the msg. and i have been really busy...but never wanted not to reply...thanks to everyone !! i am doing great , and would love to share MY experience with anyone...and be of help if i could...i am still going through this journey...i think it can be a constant learning experience...i am 5months out and @ a 110 lb loss... good luck to everyone!