Loose skin
I haven't had the surgery yet so I don't have a tried and true method for you, but I did ask my doctor about this and he suggested wearing tight fitting clothing. I personally like my baggy jeans so I'm thinking about doing biker shorts and maybe an underarmor shirt under my regular shirt when the time comes. Hope that helps

Actually I wear an all in one girtle all the time. My sister also had the surgery and she just wears it for particular outfits. I'm looking for something to help its appearance without clothes or for swimwear. For someone that hasn't had the surgery yet I would suggest losing your weight slowly (say over a years time) and the all in one. I've actually lost 78 lbs and only have as I said minimal problems.
Sweet! Thanks! Any advice I can get I'm always happy to hear. 
If you find anything that will help with extra skin let me know. It's still something that I'm a little concerned about. I don't like the idea of plastic surgery (not to offend anyone that's had it. I just don't think it's for me). I just would like to be able to handle that with nonsurgical means if possible. And yes, I'm planning on losing things slowly. I'd much rather take it off a little slower and know that it was going to stay off than lose it all quickly and get burned out on the proper diet and excercise.

If you find anything that will help with extra skin let me know. It's still something that I'm a little concerned about. I don't like the idea of plastic surgery (not to offend anyone that's had it. I just don't think it's for me). I just would like to be able to handle that with nonsurgical means if possible. And yes, I'm planning on losing things slowly. I'd much rather take it off a little slower and know that it was going to stay off than lose it all quickly and get burned out on the proper diet and excercise.
Loose skin with clothes is not a problem at all. I'm 45 and originally weighed 232 lbs and wore a size 18. I'm now 153 lbs and in a size 6 jeans. I like to wear a sugger fit clothes so I go to Total Woman in Baton Rouge and every so often they refit me with an all in one. I would love to have the loose skin removed but its just not affordable at this time.