bc/bs of La...any experience please advise
I was wondering what type of experiences anyone has to offer with bc/bs la. My husband's insurance does not have bariatric written into the policy so I'm hoping to pick up insurance with my employer (bc/bs of la) to have the surgery done...any experience good or bad is welcome, I'd like to know what I will be dealing with.
I have a BMI of 46 struggled with weight all my life! No comorbiditites, but I have lots of documentation of diets I've tried.
Please advise..thank you
I have a BMI of 46 struggled with weight all my life! No comorbiditites, but I have lots of documentation of diets I've tried.
Please advise..thank you
Hi, I too have BC/BS of LA and they do not cover any weight reduction surgeries for any reason even if you have a note from a doctor saying that it is medically necessary. I'm so sorry to give you that news. I was so dissappointed too. We're having to take out a loan to get my medically necessary surgery done! sigh... I'm not willing to wait years for the possibilty that they may change their policy on this. I wish you the best !
Everyone's policy with their insurance companies are different. It depends on the policy they have. Just because it was/or wasn't covered for someone else it may/or maynot be covered for you. I called the number on my insurance card, or since you don't have it yet you can get the number from a co-worker and the group or policy number and have them send you a copy of the full policy.
Good Luck!
Good Luck!
Higest/Now/Goal 290/220/180ish
My employer offers BC/BS LA but it doesn't cover weight loss surgery. My husband also has BC/BS LA and it does cover the surgery. It all depends on the way your policy is written. Good luck! Nonnie
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. (Mark Twain)