A "Dear John Letter" to Fat
I read a "Dear John Letter" to Fat recently and changed it a little and want to share it with everyone!
Dear Excess Body Fat:
Hello, I have something to say to you. As you may or may not know, this is the largest I have ever been in my whole life. I once bought my clothes in the Misses department. In recent years, I have been buying my clothes in the Women's Department.
I will no longer be shopping in the Women's Department, however. Goodbye, Women's Department, Hello, Misses Department. I am on my way to a size 14.
As of this day, I will no longer resignedly carry around excess fat that is stressful to my heart and body. I will, from this day forward, work to reduce my body measurements. I will exercise diligently to strengthen my heart and build strong muscle. I will eat healthy.
Bye-bye, fat. I don't want to see you anymore. You are not my friend. I will work very hard to keep you out of my life. . . Bye-bye, fat!