Who would have thought....not me. I am down 70lbs. I went to the gyno today and he was sooo happy. I can't believe the weightloss, my clothes are too big ( I refuse to buy some new ones but I guess I'll have to break down and do it) they look horrible. Looks like I pooped my pants! My underwear is even too big. However my big news!! The doc was talking to me about getting pregant. I had a baby 3 years ago and only lived for 30 minutes. Ok so, he says I want you to know that I have had several patients that since the surgery has gotten pregant or already had babies. The too had irregular periods, polycystic ovarian syndrome and cysts on ovaries. He really made me look at the future. I told him I had to wait a year before trying and he was a little curious why but he said it will happen when it's suppose too!! He made me soo happy I walked out smiling! Never before did I do that. The scale didn't have to be put on 300 either...I am in the 200's!!! YIPPEEE!!