Very Frustrated with Myself!!!
Lynn J
Lap RNY 9/29/04
5' 4"
hey Christie, It has been a long time since I have psoted too we use to post alot when we firt got our wls. I know exactly how you feel about being mad at yourself. I too got down to 135 and now I am up too 156. My hubby and I have been trying to get pregnat so I am on meds for that and I have been stress eating alot. Some days I eat like I never had srugery and that scars me cuz I know if I don't get a handle on it I will end up gaining all my weight back. So I am gonna go back to my phase 2 stage of when I first had surg and start over with the whole mind set thing go back to working out I know we can get back on track we just have to set our minds to it. So we can keep in touch with each other. I hope to hear form you soon. Love ya, Chrissy
~~Jodi~~ Actually below goal with 100lbs loss
~~Jodi~~ Actually below goal with 100lbs loss