Our Lady of the Lake no longer taking BCBS??
Hi Patricia, don't sweat the obstacles on the way to paradise. Stick with SupaDocKAL, one hospital or another will turn out fine. Also, OLO and BCBS might amend their agreement in the next couple of weeks.
Keep the faith -- thinking of you,
A Banded Brain! (read blog)
"Banded for life, switched for good, bypassed by none" (revised, work in progress)
Hi Patricia ... Yes, I think OLOL and BCBS will come to an agreement . . they always do this kind of stuff --- just to make us nervous!!! . . hopefully, it will work out that Dr. LeBlanc can do the surgery there ---- I am confident for you that it will work out --- when all is said and done and you have the surgery you will look back at all the obstacles you had to deal with and it will make you even more determined to lose that weight --- it IS meant to be, it's just taking longer than normal . . take care. . FAYE