Hey Y'all, Just checkin in....
How is everyone? I'm doing well. Can't complain. Enjoying life after WLS, doing my thang. I have started working on my art again, have not done anything in years, so it's been... uh.. interesting to say the least. It's a good time tho. Frances, Melanie and Bejai: I MISS YOU GUYS!!!! I might, just might make it to a meeting sometime soon. I just can't get past that Aubin woman. Oh, well..... we will see and time will tell. Dr. Handsome will yell at me again for not going if I don't show up to one soon, so, February is looking like a distinct possibility for me. Hope y'all are doing well!! Love you all...
A Banded Brain! (read blog)
"Banded for life, switched for good, bypassed by none" (revised, work in progress)