Dr Bellangers office has cancelled me once again!!

Pattie, Thanks for the reply! I live in Pierre Part, I would guess probably about 60 or 70 miles away..hoping to not have to go that far...are they a center of excellence?? Myoa, thanks for the reply also, Yes they were very good when they were at Vista and was a center of excellence..I heard nothing but good about them as well, it seems as though the move has really messed things up for now..I know it may take some time to get things back in order...but its just so hard to deal with the let downs...One time is ok, but cancelling me twice is kinda stressing me out too much!! Someone should of made sure of the dates BEFORE they inform their patients..I do understand that the surgeon is what really matters the most..and I hear he is excellent at what he does, but if the staff keeps getting things mixed up, one tends to lose faith..I hope for their sake that they can pull things back together..I just dont know if I can handle it till they do.....