to anyone in Baton Rouge
I went to the 2nd to last Support Group meeting that was held at Vista and thoroughly enjoyed it and met lots of nice people --- I understand they now meet at Women's Welness Center and I plan to go tonight (Wednesday) . . I was invited to that meeting at Vista by a friend (Dr. Hargroder is her doc, also) and I asked and they said it was open to anyone who had WLS or was thinking about it or was supporting someone-- which I thought was great . .there was a woman there who had WLS and she did a short demonstration on Tai Chi and guess what?? I joined yesterday and I love it . . . . but Francis will find out about the one at OLOL if it is open to people other than Dr. LeBlanc and Hausmann patients . . - I'm not sure about that. . . and we'll keep you informed about the dancing!!!! FAYE
Hello Cindy!
We would be glad to have you at our meetings. I thought it was set up that way, but I wanted to check.
First Thursday of every month in the patient education auditorium at Our Lady of the Lake Hospital.
I'll send a reminder in a few weeks and we are trying to arrange some dancing outings too!
A Banded Brain! (read blog)
"Banded for life, switched for good, bypassed by none" (revised, work in progress)
Thanks Frances. I don't know where the patient education auditorium is, but I will definitely find it. I will put this on my calendar.
Anyone is welcome to the one I go to also. It is EVERY WEDNESDAY from 6 to 7 pm in the Conference room of the Womens Wellness Center on the corner of Jefferson and Bluebonnet. Please join us anytime.
We will be having a clothing exchange 2 weeks from tonight. If you have clothes that don't fit anymore, you can bring them in and someone will be able to use them.
We also have a talk on vitamins for 5 to 10 minutes each week.
I am ready for the dancing too.
Keep me posted.
The meetings start at 6:00 pm . . .The patient education auditorium is across from the cafeteria at OLOL . . you don't have to go all through the hospital to get there. Park in the parking lot in the plaza (they have medical plaza 1 and 2), which is on Hennessy Blvd. in the back of the OLOL Hospital. You'll see all the cars and you just go through the glass doors and there should be a sign directing you to the meeting room. See you there! FAYE