I'm Home and What a Ride!
i just wanted to let everyone know that i'm home and still hanging in here...its been a really wild ride...one i didnt expect, but i guess i just wasnt one of the lucky ones who just breezed through...the blessed thing is i have not had any complications praise God...i am just really sore and in pain that i can see is continually diminishing as the days are passing...now all i have to do is get rid of this nauseau and sick of the stomach feeling all the time...i would like to say Thank you to everyone who had supported me so much and for all the prayers that have been sent my way...i am so grateful always, Dreamz
P.S. i would like to send a special shout out to to Dianna_Lynn(Thank You so much{{{hugz}}}...and for you too Rozzy for so much concern...i Love you both!