Approved in just 3days! & will be sitting on the losers bench in just 28days
Thanks Adelida for the warm wishes Sis, yep like that say good things will come to those who all i have to do is be patient until my day arrives...its not that long, and you're right everything was approved and scheduled really fast...cant complain here...see you at the support meeting!
Thank you Sis!...i saw you post over on the main board i didnt post on it because too many peeps here seem to be trying to have an after Halloween witch hunt...LOL...dont feel bad though so many here take everything out of context...makes you somewhat scared to reply or post about anything controvosal...neways i understood exactly what you were saying...just keep doing you!
*This post is for Happy happy joy joy
Humble yourself before the mighty hand of the Lord and He will exalt you in due time.

A Banded Brain! (read blog)
"Banded for life, switched for good, bypassed by none" (revised, work in progress)