Pre-op weight loss?
I have two start weights the one when I started the process and the one on the day of surgery. Which is pretty different, when I started the process of trying to get the surgery which was on June 1st, 2006 is 479, day of surgery I was 365, and now almost six months postop I am as of this morning I was 281.
Brenie, I think your weight loss is fantastic! I tend to want to think that all the weight loss from the beginning of the process is very important. Those pounds loss because of changing the choices made about food before the (dreaded) 2 wk liguid diet sets the stage for success. I loss 20 lbs. before the 2 wk liguids, 13 lbs. after the 2 wks liquids. For a total of 33lb lbs pre-op. Now, I'm 9 days post op and haven't loss any weight!!!!! But I 'm trying not to get too disappointed, I know the IV fluids messed me up.
I haven't had surgery yet (10/26/07) but I am counting my highest weight of 234 as my start weight because that is when I first started the process. That was about 5 weeks ago. As of last week I weighed 221. I start the full liquid on Monday for 2 days and clear liquid for the next 2 days then surgery on Friday.

Hi everyone,
Today is Thursday the 25th. 4th day (8:10 Pm) of liquid diet and I weighted in today at the doctors office at 216. Tomorrow is the big day. Lap-Band surgery. Pray for me please.
Mary [email protected]