I am scared! Please give me your advice!!

on 10/12/07 12:07 pm - Galliano, LA
I went for a check up with the GYN doctor yesterday. I have been having some female problems over the last year, and I thought it would get better after surgery.  The problems I was having has gotten much worst since my wls, so I went to see my doctor. He put me through a whole lot of tests. I had an ultrasound which looks like I have several (what he thinks are) fibroid tumors in my uterus. He did a biopsy of the uterus, and now I have to wait for the results. I will hopefully get some results on Monday. He did tell me that he thought everything would be fine, but my options are very limited. He did say that if the biopsy comes back abnormal in any way he will schedule me for a hysterectomy, but if the results are normal I will be having an endometrial ablasion.  This means that sometime next week, I will be having to go through another surgery. I am scared. I think I can handle the endometrial ablasion, but I am not sure about a hysterectomy. I know that if the biopsy comes back and is pre-cancer or cancer, I will have no choice but to do the hysterectomy. I  am more worried about having the hysterectomy, because it is another major surgery and can my body handle it.  I just had RNY gastric bypass not even 5 months ago, and now I am having to face another major surgery. That is very scary.  Has anyone had this problem after weight loss surgery? If so, how did you do? Thanks,  Titania
Frances S.
on 10/12/07 1:23 pm - Zachary, LA
GYN problems and the need for a hysterectomy was the reason I had wls. I wasn't a good candidate at 350 -- go figure. Anyhoo, I had wls instead and had another six surgeries in the first 14 months -- some of them major and some involving an open wound and staph infection (none related to wls). A couple of months ago, I had my seventh since wls and suffered a perforated bowel. I guess it was kinda major too. Anyhoo, I'm having GYN problems -- yes, it got better briefly with weight loss and then got "not that better." I had trouble finding someone who would do the gyn surgery because of all my previous and fairly recent surgeries. I want a hysterectomy like I want to win the lottery. I've found a brave soul and I'm hoping to get something scheduled in the next couple of months. Since I was having surgery every couple months after wls, I don't have the same outlook on major surgery -- maybe I should, but I don't. I want less uterus, less fibroids, less ovaries and like YESTERDAY. I hope your problems resolve easily, but beware of the "wait-and-see" methods that can become a nightmare. All my best, Frances

A Banded Brain! (read blog)
"Banded for life, switched for good, bypassed by none" (revised, work in progress)

on 10/13/07 9:54 am - Walker, LA
Try to stay in TODAY and let TOMORROW go for now. You will take it as it comes. They found cysts on my liver during my WLS and I have to go get that checked out too. There is one that is almost 2 inces in diameter. Pretty big. I will pray for your and your continued recovery.
on 10/14/07 12:49 am - Greenwood, LA

I had two surgeries back to back....I was scheduled for WLS but it had to be postponed for an emergency surgery so I had two back to back within 5 weeks.  The only problems I had was from being so worn out.  I had my WLS just as soon as I was released from the first surgery.  I had a major absess with alot of infection....there for the weight.  I did have a hyseterectomy many years ago almost 10...and I have to say that was one of the best thing I ever did.  I was worried because I was so young but I knew I was finished having kids and the issues I was going through was enough to make me deal with it.   It is tough anytime you have to have surgery, just have faith and it will work out.  Jodi

~~Jodi~~ Actually below goal with 100lbs loss  

 preop day before surgery                 


on 10/17/07 2:31 am - Alexandria, LA

Hi, I went through the same thing you are going through. I had WLS in November, 2006. In July , 2007, we (my PCP) discovered that I had 2 fibroids, one the size of a softball. He told me that they had probably been there for a while. My GYN had NOT told me about them in my April visit. He (PCP) also recommended that I have a TOTAL hysterectomy!!! I was crushed!!! I literally cried in his office!!! My GYN did not agree and told me to leave them alone, they would disappear on their own. I knew this didn't sound right, so I got a second opinion. This fabulous dr told me that they would definitely have to come out, along with everything else - TOTAL hysterectomy. So I had that on Aug 14th. Oh, and by the way, I ended up having SIX fibroids, not just 2!!!! And I also had adenomyosis, which he explained is like endometriosis except on the inside of the uterus (endometriosis spreads to the outside of the uterus). I didn't need hormone replacement for the first three weeks, but the fourth week, I began having symptoms: hot flashes, night sweats, the whole nine yards!! So he put me on the lowest dose of Premarin and I do not have any symptoms at all!! Actually, it was the best decision I ever made!! I feel wonderful and bounced back from the open surgery with no problems!! I also weigh 130 lbs less than I did in November so I'm sure that had a big part in my recovery!!

I know it's scary, having two surgeries within 5 months, but you will do fine!! Losing the weight from the surgery will help you tremendously!! If you want more information or want to talk to me privately about it, just email me at [email protected]. Good luck and you'll be in my prayers, Deidrah 



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