Feeling Full?????
A Banded Brain! (read blog)
"Banded for life, switched for good, bypassed by none" (revised, work in progress)
LMAO at "reboot"!!! I don't know if this helps or not, but I had a hard time figuring it out too. I can't go by the burp rule because sometimes I burp after the first bite, sometimes never. This is what I do....
I put all my food on a saucer, no matter what it is. I eat half of it and stop. I wait 5-10 mins and see how I feel, stand-up for a minute or so as well (ok, I dont stand up if I am eating out.) But that does seem to make a difference. Like Frances, I can definitely feel the pressure in my chest. But if I don't, I go ahead and eat a little more, or the rest. The amount I can eat depends on the food and the day, it's not always the same. My first two fills were pointless, but at number four, I lost 10 lbs last month. Hang in there, it's a journey! CJ 334/280/200 12/17/2007