Lapband doctor that takes medicaid in la

Ella Nchanted
on 5/30/07 6:38 pm - LA
hey ,im looking for a lapband dr that will take medicaid  to do  surg for my hubby.i dont think my Dr will do it,although im gonna call again tomm about it ,hopefully I can get them to do it.Any ideas?
on 5/31/07 1:21 am - lafayette, LA
Hi there ,my name is  Imanie.I am going through the same thing.I have medicaid but cant find a doctor who takes it in louisiana.Medicaid pays 100% for the surgery but cant find a doctor who will take  medicaid.Let me know if you hear anything or find anything out.e-mail me [email protected]
Ella Nchanted
on 5/31/07 1:41 am - LA

ill post on here is I find good info.I do know that the reasone they arent wanting to take medicaid patients is because  medicaid only pays the doctor something like 1,500 for his work,they pay the hospital around 4,000 and they do not pay for long term after care,that willbe on you to pay out of pocket.My lap band doc does not take medicaid normally,but basically did this surgury on me out of the kindness of his heart,because the small amount medicaid finnally paid him is insignificant compared to him getting paid a nice portion of the 20,000 cash price or what ever insurance patients pay.Plus he can bill insurance each after care appointmnet,I pay him out of pocket and believe me its very ,very reduced compared to what  other docs are chargeing for fills.I thank God for Dr Chung because without him id still be 337,I know it.I have a long way to go on weight loss its stalled and I am gonna get in mid june for a fill and im stepping up my efforts,this band takes consistant work,it does not do anything  on its on,its a partnership.I gotta put in the effort everyday to get to my goal. 

on 6/2/07 1:14 pm - Monroe, LA
Hi Ella, I'm a wannabe at this point but I really like the way you refer to the band as a partnership.  Up until this evening, I've been reading how it's only a tool - not magic, stuff, stuff, stuff.  To have it referred to as a partnership really clicked with me and for the first time, I realized that when (not if!) I get my band I will have a partner that if I give my 100%, it will do it's part 100% which is help me reach my goal.  WoW!  What an inspiring thought!  It will be the first time EVER that I've had a partner in my weight loss journey and I belive that will make a difference.  Thanks! Beth

Don't let go of your dreams. If you have determination and belief in your dreams, you will succeed in spite of your desire to let go.
Catherine Pulsifer

Ella Nchanted
on 6/3/07 12:55 am - LA
Beth,its nice to "meet" you   I am so happy that ive inspired someone with my insites on my band experiances.A few days ago I saw a lovely Aunt I dont see everyday in walmart,well she starts off with hey,how you feeling,I say feeling ok,(not willing to go into how my leg was kinda swollen,knee is sore,neck hurts,headach makeing me dizzy,lol,because in truth she dont care) well she immediatly goes from the how you feeling  question to the Oh I thought you where haveing some kind of weightloss surgury question.Well I reply with yes I had it,she says real fast  "what ,it didnt work",I  just as fast say YES IT IS WORKING!!!!!!!!!!! I Tell her its working great,that I REcently did the math and I have lost 2.64 pounds every month ,I looked right at her and asked can you say you have done that.She didnt know how to answer that one.I come across people like her  to often.All it does is make me even more determined to show the world I will get to my goal weight.Why should I be on anyone elses scedual with my weightloss.In all reality even though my numbers are not the best I look really difernt the contours of my body ,my skin,hair,my attitude,my health,my clothing size has all dramatically changed for the better. Now for the partnership with the band,My band always is there,it stops me from eating entire bags of chips or huge plates of food,this is no matter what I do.Now when its properly filled it causes me to eat  very small amounts and helps me to choose healthier foods.There is nothing else that can do that.This is one partner I want to keep,lol.Now If I do  my keep working it doing my part theres no stopping me!   SueElla
on 6/3/07 4:25 am - Monroe, LA

You go girl with yo bad self!  Good for you for standing up for yourself!  So many times we (weight soldiers) allow others to belittle us and make us feel bad about ourselves.  Can you count the number of times someone has said to you, "If you just cut back and don't eat so much, you'll lose weight."???  As if we haven't tried!!  I truly believe that it's genetic and no one will ever convince me otherwise.  In my own family (father and siblings) all 8 of them have died from cardio-vascular disease - either a heart attack or stroke.  Their weights ranged from "overweight" (the smallest) to morbidly obese (the largest).  ALL of them.  All of my cousins from his family - overweight to obese.  So, what do I not need??? Someone who's never experienced the constant battle (hunger, guilt, sadness, madness, desire, you name it!) with food telling me all I need to do is NOT eat.   Right or breathe either...that should help me lose weight!

I look forward to sharing thoughts with you and when I have my band surgery, I'll prolly plauge you with 100s of questions!  You know like....Is this normal?  How do I do this or that?  What do I do about...? 

You have a blessed day and remember - you've got a partner!

Beth a.k.a. Nana to my grands!

Don't let go of your dreams. If you have determination and belief in your dreams, you will succeed in spite of your desire to let go.
Catherine Pulsifer

Ella Nchanted
on 6/3/07 4:53 am - LA
Alot is genetic.My Brother and Dad and sister  never really had a weight problem,my sister in recent years has had some issues with weight I think she weights 180 and is 5 ft 8,brother is skinny.Dad could lose alittle,his side they dont have very many with weight issues,I get liver issues,heart disease,mental illness,diabetis,alchoholisim to worry about from his side though.Ido have the liver issues so far,high blood pressure,no heart disease thank god and had diabetis,never drank enough to let myself develope alchoholism(sp?) And of course I have self diagnosed mental issues,lol Moms side is alot of overweight issues,pretty much half isand half isnt type thing.Get the diabetis,heart disease from hers to,oh and my lymph edema is thanks to my moms side. But of course we do all know behavior is a MAJOR factor for anyone with a weight problem.But its not the end all.For me I always had a weight issue,meaning I had hips I thought where to big,but my weight was accually normal until I was about 22,Iwas in great shape as well.i taught the fit ball abdominal classes at the health club I worked at andmade smoothys,watched children and worked the front desk,this is a hospital owned facility that only had healthy ,attractive people as employees,this is the immage that works best for a place like this.As soon as my health started to  go nuts ,my weight started climbing I was fired. At 22 I started with  sleep apnea symptoms although did not know what it was and with that came some weight gain,then lymph edema,and more weight!My behaviors did not get me to  my weight issues,it was genetics,tottally.I had anotomical obstructive sleep apnea and  primary lymph edema both of which  are genetic,my grandmother and her mom  both had these diseases. I alays had the apnea and issues we didnt really understand,but  the sleep  specialist said that this type of apnea  does get worse at early adulthood. anyways beth you might be interested in the spa retreat im a month or so,im gonna hold it in washighnton louisiana at a bed and breakfast.I will be posting  more info about the dates and cost really soon.I hope we will have around 10 ladies wanting to attend.It willbe so much fun.(When r you possibly haveing surgury?)           SueElla                     SueElla 
on 6/3/07 6:27 am - Monroe, LA
I have no idea as to when I'll have the surgery.  I've just started the process.  My PCP has written me a letter for my insurance (he's out this coming week so I have to wait to pick it up until Monday week), I've contacted the  Surgery Center in Covington, LA but I've not received a response (I'm sure they get dozens of requests every day).  I'll have to set up a time with them, meet with the patient advocates (they deal with the insurance), find out what information they need, etc., apply for approval with my insurance (United American) and then wait.  I'm hoping and praying that by this fall?  Or the very least end of the year? As to attending the spa weekend...I would love it but I'm the primary caregiver for my Mother who has Alzheimer's.  I have 4 brothers but it takes an act of Congress to get them to have Mama stay for a few days.  Actually, only one of my brothers has had her stay with him.  He and his wife are my angels.  So, it would really depend on whether I can get someone to take care of her.  I do appreciate you asking. As soon as my PCP gets back to work, I'm making an appointment to get Welbutrin.  I've had to take it in the past (don't we ALL have some mental issues?) for depression and I believe caring for my Mom has finally started taking a toll on me.  I find myself weepy and that's not a condition I can deal with and care for her.  I don't think it's uncommon with caregivers of parents.  I believe that the emotional toll has to occur because you, literally, see your parent leaving you one forgotten memory at a time. keep up the good work.  I'll keep my chin up and keep my focus on moving forward in my quest to LB Surgery AND I'll be sure to watch the boards so that I can learn for others.   Beth

Don't let go of your dreams. If you have determination and belief in your dreams, you will succeed in spite of your desire to let go.
Catherine Pulsifer

Ella Nchanted
on 6/14/07 3:44 am - LA
Hey Beth,I am sorry im so slow on response.I just read your last post,hopefully we can work something out so u can enjoy a much needed getaway.What town do u live in?                                                                                                     SueElla
on 6/14/07 4:06 am - Monroe, LA
Hi SueElla, No problem!  We all live very busy lives!  I live in Monroe.  I've not received my letter from my doctor yet but I'm going by today to see if it's ready.  I've been trying to diet because I know that I'll have to do that anyhoot.  I'm trying to get use to the liquid diet thingy! I am going to have a getaway soon although, I don't know how much I'll relax as I will be taking my Mom (Alzheimer's) with me!  She's doing well on her meds and she wanted to go to the beach ONE MORE TIME so we're leaving in three weeks for Gulf Shores, AL.   My PLAN?  Sit on the beach doing absolutely NOTHING!  Here's hoping my plan works! Beth

Don't let go of your dreams. If you have determination and belief in your dreams, you will succeed in spite of your desire to let go.
Catherine Pulsifer

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