Lapband doctor that takes medicaid in la
ill post on here is I find good info.I do know that the reasone they arent wanting to take medicaid patients is because medicaid only pays the doctor something like 1,500 for his work,they pay the hospital around 4,000 and they do not pay for long term after care,that willbe on you to pay out of pocket.My lap band doc does not take medicaid normally,but basically did this surgury on me out of the kindness of his heart,because the small amount medicaid finnally paid him is insignificant compared to him getting paid a nice portion of the 20,000 cash price or what ever insurance patients pay.Plus he can bill insurance each after care appointmnet,I pay him out of pocket and believe me its very ,very reduced compared to what other docs are chargeing for fills.I thank God for Dr Chung because without him id still be 337,I know it.I have a long way to go on weight loss its stalled and I am gonna get in mid june for a fill and im stepping up my efforts,this band takes consistant work,it does not do anything on its on,its a partnership.I gotta put in the effort everyday to get to my goal.
Don't let go of your dreams. If you have determination and belief in your dreams, you will succeed in spite of your desire to let go.
Catherine Pulsifer
You go girl with yo bad self! Good for you for standing up for yourself! So many times we (weight soldiers) allow others to belittle us and make us feel bad about ourselves. Can you count the number of times someone has said to you, "If you just cut back and don't eat so much, you'll lose weight."??? As if we haven't tried!! I truly believe that it's genetic and no one will ever convince me otherwise. In my own family (father and siblings) all 8 of them have died from cardio-vascular disease - either a heart attack or stroke. Their weights ranged from "overweight" (the smallest) to morbidly obese (the largest). ALL of them. All of my cousins from his family - overweight to obese. So, what do I not need??? Someone who's never experienced the constant battle (hunger, guilt, sadness, madness, desire, you name it!) with food telling me all I need to do is NOT eat. Right or breathe either...that should help me lose weight!
I look forward to sharing thoughts with you and when I have my band surgery, I'll prolly plauge you with 100s of questions! You know like....Is this normal? How do I do this or that? What do I do about...?
You have a blessed day and remember - you've got a partner!
Beth a.k.a. Nana to my grands!
Don't let go of your dreams. If you have determination and belief in your dreams, you will succeed in spite of your desire to let go.
Catherine Pulsifer
Don't let go of your dreams. If you have determination and belief in your dreams, you will succeed in spite of your desire to let go.
Catherine Pulsifer
Don't let go of your dreams. If you have determination and belief in your dreams, you will succeed in spite of your desire to let go.
Catherine Pulsifer