Spa Retreat
Hi everyone! Its been awhile since ive been on OH at all.I was reading some post and thought id let yall allknow that ive been holding spa partys and mini Spa retreats for ladies.So far we have done them over night with about 10 ladies and held mini workshop type things and enjoyes each others company as well as a small getaway.I was thinking that maybe some of you girls would be interested in this,Id love to spend time with some old friends and make some new ones,if you are interested please let me know,I will do my best to make sure the cost is as low as possible,(basically I will not make a profit here,but would contribute as well,just for the fellowship) any cost involved would be for location used such as hotel,b&b,retreat center, whatever workshops we generally do are * spa manicure/pedicure *facials & makeup * yoga * guest speaker (inspirational)