Help me decide
I would do it again. But if you still have your gallbladder ask if they can take it out during your bypass. I had gallstones and it was very painful. I was admitted from the emergency room and had to be on IV antiboitics for 2-days before they did my surgery.
My doctor told me people that have the gastric bypass usally have to have their gallbladder removed. I have lost 102Ibs since my surgery on 11/08/06 and I feel so much better with the weight off me. Pattie
I am only a few days post op so i can't give you to much wisdom.. But the gallbladder thing .. definately get it out if you have any stones in there.
Dr Kennedy took mine out during surgery and wala i won't have to worry about it any more.
Normally the dramatic weight loss and gain over the years then the dramatic weight loss after surgery can give you gallbladder problems. So alot of surgeons will whack it out too.
And it is normal for you to be nervous.. If you weren't we would ALL be worried about you.
Take care and good luck,
I only wish I had done it sooner. I am glad that my gallbladder had been removed before the surgery. Some docs remove it during, just to be safe and to avoid another surgery down the road. It depends on the doc I guess.
I had to self pay, as my insurance covers nothing with weight loss surgery for any reason, and I have to say that it is still the best 19K I have ever spent, and would do it again in a heartbeat!!!
Best of luck to ya!
I am one year out. I have a wonderful surgeon, and have complete confidence in him. I have had NO complications at all. I have lost over 100 lbs, feel like a new woman and never even lost any hair. I attribute this to the supervision of my Doc, and my following what he tells me. I think if you do what your doc tells you to do, you will have the same success. Good luck to you!
I had gastric bypass on feb 22 2006, would do it over and over and over again a million times,, I did have complications , but they were due to ME being keloid and having a ton of scar tissue,, had to get another slight surgery which was NO big deal and still would do that again,,, I love the way I look and feel,, and I didn't get my gallbladder out,, heard they are finding alot of reasons to leave it in if nothings wrong with it,, hey if it ain't broke don't take it out right? but don't know anything bout that ,, so good luck,, you only live once,, take risk!!!