April 30th Anyone??
Ok i thought i saw another person on this board who was having their surgery at Ochsner on April 30th...
That is when i am having mine w/ Dr Kennedy and i thought it would be nice to chat a bit pre op and maybe even post op.....
Sorry so many things seem to be going on that i am losing track of people.
Hope you are all having a great day..
Hi Michele--just wanted to say good luck with your surgery. I had RNY done by Dr. Kennedy in Jan. She's great. I also live in Covington--you should come to the Mandeville gatherings that we have (third Thursdays). I know Sabrina from Abita Springs is having her surgery with Dr. Kennedy, but not until May 7th. Anyway, just wanted to say good luck and they'll take real good care of you at Ochsner! Jen