Hi.. Remember me?
It's been a while since I logged on. I'm trying to figure out the way to upload my pictures. I'm down a grand total of ONE HUNDRED SIXTY POUNDS. I remember when that seemed an impossiblity. I'm starting to have problems eating -- as in over eating, but I'm trying to get that nipped in the bud right away. I'm about 60lbs away from goal.
Things are going great. Hubby got home safe and sound from Afghanistan. We're thinking of having another baby as soon as Dr. Barnes says it's ok. I'll be a year out next month.
Good to see the old faces and the new ones!
Remember you?
WHY, NO! OMG, that is LIN.
Lin, I guess you see that dreams do come true and prayers are sweetest as they are being answered. I'm nearly in tears and so happy for you and your family. Please kiss your wonderful husband for me and keep on reaching for your goals.
Awesomely thrilled,