Hectic times...
Hi, everyone. I hope you're all doing well. I just wanted to let you all know that I haven't dropped off the face of the earth.
Things have just been really hectic lately.
Work and re-rebuilding our house, as usual, have been taking a lot of my time. Plus, about a month and a half ago, I had a miscarriage, but didn't pass all the placental tissue, so I was bleeding for several weeks. Meanwhile, I was having blood hCG tests to monitor my levels every other day (they remained low, but never decreased like they were supposed to). Last Thursday, I had a D&C to remove the tissue, and I just had my follow-up today. Hopefully, my hormone levels will be zero, like they're supposed to be. I'm glad this whole thing is over.
Take care,
Hey there,
I am sorry to hear about the misscarrage. me and hubby are tring to get pg. I am taking clomid and it worked to some point but I did not get pg on the first round so I had to take a second round so now we have to see what happens this time.
I know you will be glad to get back in your house and get settled.
I will keep you in my prayers that everything this time will go so smooth and that nothing will happen.
Love ya,
OMG,, sweetie I am soooooooooooo sorry for what you've been through, my mom had miscarriage before I was born and said how upsetting it was.. and I know its a HARD thing to go through,, I am soo unbelievable sorry. if you need anything, or need to talk please let me know, My prayers are with you.. I also have been going through a really rough time, in fact I think alot of us have, so we know, please feel free to talk in here, Were all here for you!! Hang in there!!
Thanks, everyone, for your kind wishes. I didn't hear back from my doctor's office last week, so that should mean my hormone levels went down like they were supposed to. So, now we go for Round 2!
Chrissy, I hope everything works out for you and your husband. I have a cousin who used Clomid with good results.
Ashleigh, I hope everything settles down for you too. You should come see us in Metairie. And Lynn, I hope to see you there too!