I need some questions answered.
I am 11 days post op. I can't really eat anything but the doctor did say that starting monday I can have chicken and tuna fi****ried the chicken in a can already it made me feel a little sick and I don't eat anything that swims. I tried a grilled boneless skinless chicken breast and it didn't tasted good either so I am out of things I can eat. Are there any suggestions out there. I can tolerate no sugar added applesauce real good but I need something that isn't sweet. Help please!!!!
I loved tuna prior to my surgery and that was the only thing that swims I could ever tolerate. However, I can't eat it or stand the smell of it now. As far as the chicken I was not able to eat that until I was about 3 or 4 months out and it had to be real moist and I had to make sure I chewed the heck out of it. I think I got seafood at three months and that just does not work for me. Have you tried beans or blackeyed peas. I did a lot of those early out and they are full of protein. I also ate alot of bean and bacon soup. It is rough early out but it does get better.
Hi, Shetika. I think canned chicken by itself is way too dry, especially this early out. Someone at my surgeon's support group suggested mixing low-fat or fat-free cream cheese with tuna, but since you don't eat tuna, I'll bet you can do the same with canned chicken.
Here's what I would imagine the recipe to be like. Microwave 3-4 oz. cream cheese (fat free or reduced fat) for about 30 sec. in a bowl. Stir it until it's smooth. Add some seasonings and 1 can of chicken, drained. Stir to combine (I'd break up the chunks of chicken, so they get moistened better). You'll end up with several servings, so just store whatever you don't eat in the refrigerator.
Another suggestion is cheese. Ask your surgeon if cheese is OK. I practically live on the stuff. You can also try yogurt (make sure it's the "light" kind with no added sugar) or cottage cheese.
Good luck!