4 days post op
Hi, Linda. Sorry to hear you're in pain. You might want to try to ascertain the source of your pain -- incisions, surgical site, or gas. In general, pain is your body's way of telling you something's not right, so be careful and monitor it.
As for protein, I highly recommend Juven, which you can now buy at most Rite-Aid stores or online at juven.com. It's not technically protein, but my dietitian at Ochsner recommends it because it's the right combination of amino acids to form protein in your body. It comes in orange and grape flavors, but I'd stick with orange, which tastes like a cross between Tang and Gatorade.
Juven has no texture or thickness, so it feels like you're drinking Crystal Light rather than a protein drink (this is the big selling point for me, because even Isopure, which looks perfectly clear, has a gross, milky mouth-feel that makes me gag). The only drawback is a very slight bitter aftertaste. For you, another drawback is that it dissolves in 8 ounces of water, but if you're OK with clear liquids, it should be fine. I've found Juven much easier to tolerate than anything else I've tried, especially within the first couple weeks after surgery.
BTW, you'll most likely have a much easier time with all sorts of liquids very soon. Good luck!
ok 11 days post op now and im feeling better. Man....maybe Im just a big baby or something...I was regretting this really bad, BUT.......not anymore. I think the psychological part is the hardest part now. I loved food and cooking for my family and wanting just some texture in my diet would be lovely. Just please do not let me scare anyone, Keep your head up and do NOT back out. It is worth it.....I have lost 19 lbs already.........so would that make me on the losing side