Hey Everyone,
Sorry I haven't been on here in awhile, life has been crazy. I am fostering kittens for a animal rescue group and its harder than I thought and takes up alot more time, plus it is ALOT more expensive than I thought,, Also this past week, mon-fri I was in laffayette doing orientation for work,, I can't wait to start work,, I haven't had a "true" job in like 3years,, Also any spare time I have I have been trying to spend with liz and my family,
My mom has decided to move to texas to be closer to my uncle who is not doing good ( for those of you who don't know he got into a HORRIBLE motorcycle accident 4 dyas before katrina hit and just recently came out of a coma and is pretty much a vegetable) also my aunt is going through some really hard times, and she owns some kart business' in the malls up there , so my mom is going to go up there to help with that,, I will miss her alot but know its a good opportunity for her, and that since my meme moved up there she is not doing good at all b/c of all the stress,,,
Me and Liz are doing good,, for some horrible reason I have nightmares almost everynight that she is going to leave me , I am sick of waking up crying and hope I can find a therapist I can go see to find out what the hell is going on..
My weight is doing so so,,, its really weird sometimes I am hungry as sh#$ and other times I can't even think about eating and can go all day without eating,,, Also sometimes I can eat more than ever and other times 2 bites does me in,,, Its strange,, I haven't been weighing near as much ,, I am trying to stay off the scale,, but I got on last week and has lost 7pds and was pretty excited,, My 18's are now fitting big and I LOVE THAT!!!! only problem is I have NOOOOOOOOO money to buy any clothes , even thrift store clothes so I am stuck with huge clothes which make me look big,, plus my underwear are soooooo big me and liz joke b/c I can pull themk up to my boobs!!! Its a great feeling but I need some new ones!!!
My hair is falling out now but VERY LITTLE,,, I thought/hoped it would fall out a lil more,, my hair is soo thick and could use some thinning !!!! I have been taking my vitamins everyday so I was proud of myself for that,,
Since liz decided not to move in , I have been having HUGEEEEEE money problems,,and I have already asked my mom and dad for a **** load of money I can't possibly ask them for anymore,, so I have bill collectors calling out the ass, and my poor account is over 100 overdrawn and yet again rent,cable and electricity is due again on the 1st-5th,,, yikes,, I may have to become a hooker!! Think someone would be interested in a fat woman???
Some days I feel skinny as can be and some days I feel I haven't lost any,, anyone else have that?? I am soooooooo excited I got this surgery though and would do it all over again anytime,, everyday I do new things I could never do before,, like I now fit into the bath tub with no prob,, my stering wheel no longer bruises me,, I fit into almost all booths now,, damn applebee's booths are still small ,, I no longer fear I will break any chair I sit in,, and most impt my health is SOOOOOOOO much better ,, I am now borderline low blood pressure when before I was WAYY over,, its wonderful,,, low bp has always run in my family also,,,
Hope everyone else is good,, sorry I haven't been around and missed the meeting again I was in laffy for work,, I was sooooooooo excited to be able to buy a 38 pants,, When I was in school I wore a 48 so a huge difference to me!!!
OK, that phone message you just got looking for FAT HOOKERS was me.
I would love to spend some time with you and if I have to buy you some protein din-din or a couple of teaspoons of booze to do it, I'm good for the cash.
Remember Nikki, my other 20-something angellette? She came to the last OHLA meeting and I've been wanting to get y'all together for ever. She's straight, but I think we could all have a blast together.
And I won't even dignify that statement about fat women. I always did quite well, thank ya very much!
I have some ****ty lace-wear that we could put some extra seams in if you need some work clothes.
(slightly serious)
I am so glad you updated. I've been wondering how you were doing.
Sorry you're going through so many problems right now with money, etc. Hopefully things will get better for you soon.
That's great news about Liz -- though I'm sad that you are having nightmares.
Keep up the good work! Also on here they have that clothing exchange. Have you tried looking on there?
Ash, Glad to hear that you are doing good in some areas and sorry to hear that others ain't so hot. I want to thank you because you really helped me out when I was really down. About the nightmares, my shrink told me that some vitamins and herbs, specifically melatonin, can cause nightmares if you are taking some types of antidepressants. So if you have a shrink, tell him what types of vites you are taking along with what meds and he may tell you that it is the vitamins that you are putting in yurself. When I quit the melatonan(sp?) the nightmares pretty much quit. I think that alot of the hungry and chowing down and the not hungry and don't want to eat anything thing is probably indicative of the mood that you are in at the time. I do the same thing, and I tend to temper my mood with what I eat, if I want to eat and I just gotten stuff something in my face, then I usually choose something that is soft so that I can consume more, I learned that about myself and am trying not to sabotage myself like that anymore. As for the money problems, I know how that can be, and it sucks, especially when the eating and things and on your mind also. But just remember, the money problems are something that you are getting ready to overcome, you are overcoming the weight problems now and Liz is back, so even though some things look awfully black, if you look on the flip side of the coin, things are actually starting to look up quite a bit. I went to the OHLA meeting and was hoping to get to meet some of the people that I have chatted with or at least posted to online. Next month, I am going to try and go and I am going to try and recruit some of the people from the northshore of Lake Ponchartrain to come too. I am hoping that I myself will be able to make it, my Dad is going for knee surgery and he is 83 and even though I have 5 brothers and sisters, when something is needed they are nowhere to be found. But in its own way, that is fine with me, it just means that I don't have to deal with any of their crap. Well, not intending to get into my bull, just wanted to tell you that you are on your way up, not down. Check with some churches and non profits and see if they can help you with the rent and things. Is there a total community action program where you live, many times they will help with the electric bill and sometimes it is even more than one month of help. If you have an eviction notice many times a church, and it doesn't have to be your own, if you have one, that will help. If you don't ask, you will never know. And don't just ask one and take the no, if one can't help, ask another. Maybe a few can help a little bit and together you can get it together. Show them that you are in training for a job and they will see that you are trying to help yourself. Good luck and keep posting, it never hurts to have your own cheerleading squad sometimes. Tah tah for now. Debbie