Got a date, got an angel, I'm good to go - at last!
So, after all sorts of drama surrounding my surgery date (I'll add it to my profile, but for now, the story's in,4856/cat_id,4456/topic_id,2907252/action,r
eplies/a,messageboard/page,1/#22775601 ), I have a date. It's July 24, the day after I am scheduled to return from a trip overseas to attend my brother's wedding. My husband and the rest of my family, who all have relatives in the same town, will be staying a little longer to visit with his family. DH was offered to cut his stay short to accompany me, but I insisted he stay as planned. So I won't have my husband, parents, or siblings with me when I have surgery
, but that will be OK.
I also exchanged phone numbers with Debbie O., who, just a week out of her own surgery, has kindly volunteered to be my
! Thanks a million, Debbie!
So, I ate a real dinner today after a week and a half of liquids. I think I might say a final goodbye to desserts in the next day or two
, then I'll go back on liquids until my surgery.
Thanks, everyone, for all your support and encouragement. I hope to be able to return the favor, or at least pay it forward to other newbies.