A repost plus more questions.............
This is what was reposted from the main board..I didnt realize
that this was an active board too, the NM board is not very active..
"My H has 2 job offers one in Idaho and one in Louisiana.
Part of the decsion for us to move is getting ins.
that will cover WLS. Has anyone from these states
had an easy time getting coverage?
The job in Lousians is for Hilton hotels.
Any info would be great!! Thanks!!"
Also, what is it like there, are there a lot of
support groups? I am really surprized to see all
of the doctors that preform the surgery,
there are NONE in the State of New Mexico.
Hi, there! As a very proud Louisianian, I might be a bit biased.
But I would be careful to consider the specific insurance plans that the employer offers. Even within the same insurance company, the specific plans differ greatly in their coverage. For example, there are a bunch of different plans offered by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Louisiana. Some of those plans cover WLS and some don't. Additionally, some plans cover only certain providers, which may end up being quite far from where you'll live.
Most insurers have websites that prospective members can view. Call each employer's human resources department and find out what plans are offered. Ask if these insurers have websites for prospective members. Then visit the websites and find out if they cover WLS.
As for WLS in New Mexico, the OH website lists a total of 5. There are three in Albuquerque, one in Carlsbad, and one in Greeley. According to OH, there are 52 here in Louisiana. Granted, we've got a lot more surgeons, but in reality, you only need one.
Best of luck with your decision!
Thanks so much for your help. I will have to call and find out about the insurers, the way you suggested would be best I never thought about just asking about the plans and finding out by contacting them . I really dont want his possible new employers to know about it. Poeple are still mean about obease people, and I dont want them to base thier opinion of him on me and the surgery. When I was looking into finding a doctor in Sept, I was told it was covered,(it just had to be in network..there wasnt any Dr's here in NM, only in TX and AZ-out of network,) then when my H asked HR dpt about switching to the PPO so we could have the surgery, his employers came out with the written exclusion. So I am wary of saying anything again. Sadly, the info about NM is outdated on here, the no longer have providers. One office I called actually made me feel bad for even asking, she said "we dont do that anymore because you either die from the complications or have problems for the rest of your life.." which I know is not true.
Wow, I'm sorry to hear about your previous experiences. Something about your husband's employer's actions raises a red flag. It seems like it violates some kind of civil rights law, perhaps the ADA? I don't know, though, as I'm no expert. I'm sure the EEOC would know.
As for the NM surgeon that no longer does WLS, that's kind of odd and interesting. I wonder if that surgeon no longer does WLS because he/she has a bad track record.
I am not sure if what they did was allowed. He works for a Native American Tribe and they own the casino and Fine dining resturant that he is chef of. From what I understand they can do whatever they want because they are a sovern (sp?) nation. For example they can hire based only on race. I dont know if there is a lot that can be done. There are missing out on a great chef though.
As for the Dr situation, here in NM, I am not sure on the whole situation. Most of the poeple in this State have to be on Medicaid, because most employers are too cheap to offer it. (its a really sad situation). (My husbands past jobs were alway salary w/no benifits, they'd work him so much that he'd be making only 6.00 an hour after you figured in all of the hours he worked). \
I know that the insurance situation has caused a lot (general) Dr's to leave. They used to have surgery in Alburqurque a few years ago, the last I remember was hearing about a woman who died because of it. NM is sad, it is prety much a low wage State with a low number of middle class. I cant wait to move somewhere else.
The job is in Shrevepot. I looked online it looks pretty nice. Ok, one question though, dont laugh (I am a native from AZ and grew up in the desert), are there alagators there? Just wondering.
That is so cool that there is a lot of support groups, that is something else I will really like. I would love to be involved with that. I used to be a aqua aroebic instructor, and was involved w/ lifeguarding and swimming, I miss it sooo much. Now I hate to even think about getting in a bathing suit.
I live right outside of Shreveport, my husband works there and kids go to school in Shreveport. I was not born and raised here kind of a transplant 24 years ago. I came up here with a real positive attitude and I really like it. It is all what you make it.
As far as the alligators go, yes we do have them. I have never seen one at the lake usually (from what I understand) they are not in the open lake but back in the swampy parts. Some places that my husband goes he will see them, but I have no desire to go to those places. He duck hunts and will scope out the area during the summer and will see tracks and stuff. I do know they are good to eat. Never in a million years would I have thought I would eat them but it is real good. There is a resturant in Bossier that has the best blackened alligator with hollendaise sauce. Oh it is fabulous.
Well, if you come to Shreveport keep me posted. We do have about 5 doctors that perform the surgery here in town. I have had a wonderful experience, and have been extremely pleased with my surgeon. I am now six months postop and have lost 72lbs and 44.75 inches. I am considered a lightweight I had less than 100lbs to lose. I am 7lbs from my personal goal weight. I had said I wanted to be 139 by a year out. I should hit that soon, then if I can still lose that would be great.
Have a great day and keep me posted on the outcome of your move.
Wow Jodi, Congrats on your weight loss-you look great!! In only six months, WOW! Well, my Husband would get a kick out of cooking up some allagator...hmmm I have never tried that before. I am really excited, but nothing has been set in stone yet so we will find out this week, cross your fingers for us. If everything goes through, we would have to be there by Aug 1st, (really soon) so we would have to probally rent untill we sell our house here, but thats ok.
Thats so cool that your Husband hunts, so does mine, he's into golf and shooting, so I think he'd like it there. I will keep you posted to what is happening, it will be great to go there and already know someone.