I'm baaaaaaaccckkk!
Hiya everyone!
I'm back, feeling much better. My wound infection set me back about 7 weeks, but I did crochet an afgan and a pillow. Boy, did I feel like my grandmother or what!?!
Anyway, I've missed my computer terribly and missed chatting with all of you! Hope everyone is well. Can't wait to hear how everyone is doing!
40 lbs gone forever
Hey Girl,
Sorry I have missed your calls. I tried calling you this past Sunday but you were gone. Talked with your mom yesterday she said you were back at your place. I am so glad. I tried to call you but you were gone again. Sounding like me now. Feeling good and never home.
Hopefully once school is out my life will slow down a little. We have had so much going on with the kids.
Give me a call when you get a chance and I will try you again, somehow we will catch each other.
Talk with you soon,