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Deb Breneman
on 10/12/11 3:42 pm - Newburgh, IN
Topic: XPost Southern Indiana WLS Meet n Greet
WLSers in Evansville Indiana Area are getting together this Saturday night at Max N Erma's at Casino Aztar in Evansville at 6:00pm.  Since we are right here at the state line, any KY folks in the area are more than welcome to join us.  Please message me if you plan to attend so that we reserve enough room.
Deb Breneman
HW: 250      SW: 240    RNY 1/25/2010       CW: 119 (22lbs below goal)
Message me to join our confidential FB group Deborah Marks Breneman and put WLS Support and I'll add you to the group.  Group is "secret" so members and posts are private.  [email protected] 

Find out details about upcoming WLS Buddy Cruises at  

on 10/12/11 12:06 pm
Topic: RE: Dr. Thomas Sonnastine
Sad thing for Dr. Sonnanstine's patients.  He never stays in one place for long, something you may want to consider.  As a Bariatric specialist that proclaims his dedication to program and care for a "life time" you have no idea when he will leave or where he will turn up next.  I do know he had a few complications in the beginning here in Georgetown..You may want to look back at old post here on the boards.
Hopefully he will do much better while in Columbus..
on 10/12/11 9:00 am
Topic: Wed 10/12/2011 - Accountability
Evening all,
Got a late start this morning, didn't fix my lunch, exercise or take my vitamins.  So I just snactched and grabbed.  Carbs a little high but protein higher.  I will take my vitamins, get on treadmill and drink my water before the night is over.  Here's my intake:
Food Name Amount Unit Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g) Delete
Fast foods, onion rings, breaded and fried portion (8-9 onion rings) grams kg lb oz 276 15.5 31.3 3.7
BeefJerky/Teriyaki/JackLink/1oz serving grams kg lb oz 320 4.0 20.0 56.0
PoweradeZero/32oz serving grams kg lb oz 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
PureProtein/ChewyChocoChipBar serving grams kg lb oz 200 5.0 18.0 20.0
Oatmeal, cooked, quick (1 or 3 minutes) cup, cooked cup, dry, yields oz, dry, yields grams kg lb oz 73 1.2 12.7 3.0
Tomatoes, raw cup cup, cherry tomato cup, chopped or sliced oz, raw, yields Italian tomato cherry large whole (3" dia) medium whole (2-3/5" dia) medium slice (1/4" thick) plum tomato small whole (2-2/5" dia) thick/large slice (1/2" thick) wedge (1/4 of medium tomato) thin/small slice grape tomato grams kg lb oz 33 0.4 7.3 1.6
Chicken, breast, coated, baked or fried, prepared with skin,... cup, cooked, diced oz, boneless, cooked (yield after skin/coating removed) oz, boneless, raw (yield after cooking, skin/coating removed) oz, with bone, cooked (yield after bone and skin/coating removed) oz, with bone, raw (yield after cooking, bone and skin/coating removed) cubic inch, boneless, cooked, skin/coating removed breast quarter (yield after cooking, bone and skin/coating removed) medium slice (approx 2" x 1-1/2" x 1/4") thick slice (approx 2" x 1-1/2" x 3/8") thin slice (approx 2" x 1-1/2" x 1/8") large breast (yield after cooking, bone and skin/coating removed) medium breast (yield after cooking, bone and skin/coating removed) small breast (yield after cooking, bone and skin/coating removed) grams kg lb oz 324 8.2 0.0 58.7
Butter cup tablespoon individual container pat Guideline amount per slice of bread/roll grams kg lb oz 36 4.1 0.0 0.0
ProteinShake/SpecK/FrenchVan serving grams kg lb oz 180 5.0 29.0 10.0
Coffee, decaffeinated fl oz coffee cup (6 fl oz) mug (8 fl oz) grams kg lb oz 5 0.0 1.0 1.0
UnjuryUnflavored/1pkg serving grams kg lb oz 40 0.0 0.0 10.0
GreekYogurt/Fage2%,7oz serving grams kg lb oz 150 4.0 8.0 20.0
Hope your day went well and you accomplish the goals you set.  Take care.

 With  I will succeed.
HW: 280 - LW: 190 - GW - 180  
Unfilled 8/15/11 - WT:  209
1st Fill 11/29/11 - WT: 215.5 - 3cc
2/20/12 - New Goal - Get n Onederland
2nd Fill 4/26/12 - WT: 224.0 - 3cc

on 10/10/11 10:31 pm
Topic: Tues 10/11/11 - Accountability
I've gotten into the habit of putting unjury protein in my coffee and believe it does help stave off hunger. 
Don't know how many of u r effected by this but solid food or should I say chewing triggers my appetite.  If I just drink, drink, drink all is well but once the eating starts it does not stop until bedtime. 
Don't like it but if I remain on liquids until lunchtime I do much better especially if I get my protein in first and stay aware of mindless eating.  My band use to hold morning eating at bay.  Now I just work with positive protein liquids and water so that night hunger doesn't take advantage of me.
Here's my plan for the day.  Dinner not sure about yet but there's room.
Food Name Amount Unit Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g) Delete
PoweradeZero/32oz serving grams kg lb oz 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Coffee, decaffeinated fl oz coffee cup (6 fl oz) mug (8 fl oz) grams kg lb oz 5 0.0 1.0 1.0
UnjuryUnflavored/1pkg serving grams kg lb oz 20 0.0 0.0 5.0
Creamer liter fl oz cup pint quart gallon tablespoon teaspoon 70 3.0 10.0 0.0
Water, tap cup fl oz grams kg lb oz 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Cheese,light-string,FitnActive1pc serving grams kg lb oz 60 2.5 1.0 8.0
MiracleWhipReg/1Tbsp serving grams kg lb oz 40 3.5 2.0 0.0
Relish/NoSugar/1Tbsp serving grams kg lb oz 0 0.0 1.0 0.0
Tuna/ChunkLightStarkist serving 100 1.0 1.8 20.0
ViennaSausage/Chicken/can serving grams kg lb oz 250 20.0 0.0 15.0
WheyProtein/PntBtrChoc serving grams kg lb oz 130 2.0 0.0 26.0
Milk, evaporated, skim cup fl oz Guideline amount per fl oz of beverage grams kg lb oz 99 0.3 14.4 9.6
Hope all have a great Tuesday by taking your vitamins, exercising, drinking your water and eating wisely.

 With  I will succeed.
HW: 280 - LW: 190 - GW - 180  
Unfilled 8/15/11 - WT:  209
1st Fill 11/29/11 - WT: 215.5 - 3cc
2/20/12 - New Goal - Get n Onederland
2nd Fill 4/26/12 - WT: 224.0 - 3cc

on 10/9/11 11:30 pm, edited 10/9/11 11:12 pm
Topic: Mon - 10/10/11 - Accountability

Working hard to do better this week. The weekend was disasterous. So far only ten minutes on the treadmill but more must follow.
Today's menu:
Food NameAmountUnitCalsFat (g)Carbs (g)Prot (g)Delete
Coffee, decaffeinatedfl ozcoffee cup (6 fl oz)mug (8 fl oz)gramskglboz50.01.01.0
Creamerliterfl ozcuppintquartgallontablespoonteaspoon703.010.00.0
Water, tapcupfl ozgramskglboz00.00.00.0
Egg, whole, boiledcupeggextra largejumbolargemediumslicesmallgramskglboz15410.61.112.5
Cheese, Cheddar or American typecup, meltedcup, shreddedcupcubic inchslicecracker-size slicegramskglboz17213.62.410.0
Hope all goes well for you, temp will get up to 80 today. Yeah.

 With  I will succeed.
HW: 280 - LW: 190 - GW - 180  
Unfilled 8/15/11 - WT:  209
1st Fill 11/29/11 - WT: 215.5 - 3cc
2/20/12 - New Goal - Get n Onederland
2nd Fill 4/26/12 - WT: 224.0 - 3cc

on 10/9/11 10:57 am
Topic: Sun, 10/9/11 - Accountability
Today was going pretty good until I went to a baby shower.  Ate carbs and triggered downhill from there.  Tomorrow I will do better.  Need a detoxing.  It really started yesterday with the pound cake.  Then I checked today and realized that I did not post.
Hope all of you had a better day today and will be working with me to do much better tomorrow.
Here's my damage for today.
Food Name Amount Unit Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g) Delete
PoweradeZero/32oz serving grams kg lb oz 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Coffee, decaffeinated fl oz coffee cup (6 fl oz) mug (8 fl oz) grams kg lb oz 5 0.0 1.0 1.0
UnjuryUnflavored/1pkg serving grams kg lb oz 20 0.0 0.0 5.0
Creamer liter fl oz cup pint quart gallon tablespoon teaspoon 70 3.0 10.0 0.0
Catfish, floured or breaded, fried cup, cooked, flaked oz, boneless, cooked oz, boneless, raw (yield after cooking) oz, with bone, cooked (yield after bone removed) oz, with bone, raw (yield after cooking, bone removed) cubic inch, boneless, cooked cubic inch, with bone, cooked (yield after bone removed) catfish fillet (5" x 2-1/2" x 3/8") large catfish (yield after cooking, bone removed) medium bullhead (yield after cooking, bone removed) medium catfish (yield after cooking, bone removed) small catfish (yield after cooking, bone removed) grams kg lb oz 359 21.8 12.8 26.4
ChickenBreastCanned/98%FF/InWater serving 70 1.5 0.0 12.0
MiracleWhipReg/1Tbsp serving grams kg lb oz 40 3.5 2.0 0.0
Relish/NoSugar/1Tbsp serving grams kg lb oz 0 0.0 1.0 0.0
Tomatoes, green, cooked, from fresh cup oz, raw, yields large medium slice small grams kg lb oz 282 21.5 18.9 4.7
Coleslaw dressing cup tablespoon grams kg lb oz 61 5.2 3.7 0.1
Broccoli Slaw/4thcup serving grams kg lb oz 50 0.0 10.0 4.0
Oatmeal, cooked, quick (1 or 3 minutes) cup, cooked cup, dry, yields oz, dry, yields grams kg lb oz 73 1.2 12.7 3.0
Butter cup tablespoon individual container pat Guideline amount per slice of bread/roll grams kg lb oz 36 4.1 0.0 0.0
Chicken, drumstick, coated, baked or fried, prepared with sk... cup, cooked, diced oz, boneless, cooked (yield after skin/coating removed) oz, boneless, raw (yield after cooking, skin/coating removed) oz, with bone, cooked (yield after bone and skin/coating removed) oz, with bone, raw (yield after cooking, bone and skin/coating removed) cubic inch, boneless, cooked, skin/coating removed large drumstick (yield after cooking, bone and skin/coating removed) medium drumstick (yield after cooking, bone and skin/coating removed) small drumstick (yield after cooking, bone and skin/coating removed) grams kg lb oz 82 3.3 0.0 12.2
DoritosSpicyNachos/1oz serving grams kg lb oz 140 7.0 18.0 2.0
Snacks, potato chips, made from dried potatoes, sour-cream a... oz can (6.75 oz) grams kg lb oz 155 10.5 14.5 1.9
Beans, white, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt cup grams kg lb oz 62 0.2 11.2 4.4
Cake, Red Velvet serving grams kg lb oz 210 6.0 36.0 4.0
Water, tap cup fl oz grams kg lb oz 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Take care and work with your plan not against it.

 With  I will succeed.
HW: 280 - LW: 190 - GW - 180  
Unfilled 8/15/11 - WT:  209
1st Fill 11/29/11 - WT: 215.5 - 3cc
2/20/12 - New Goal - Get n Onederland
2nd Fill 4/26/12 - WT: 224.0 - 3cc

on 10/7/11 12:17 pm
Topic: Friday - 10/7/11 - Accountability
Evening All,
Wore myself out yesterday so no exercise today.  I am sore from neck to Knee, bengay is my best friend.
Off my normal routine, canning most of the morning. at late and snacky.
Food Name Amount Unit Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g) Delete
PoweradeZero/32oz serving grams kg lb oz 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Coffee, decaffeinated fl oz coffee cup (6 fl oz) mug (8 fl oz) grams kg lb oz 5 0.0 1.0 1.0
UnjuryUnflavored/1pkg serving grams kg lb oz 20 0.0 0.0 5.0
Creamer liter fl oz cup pint quart gallon tablespoon teaspoon 70 3.0 10.0 0.0
Salad/RomaineMix/w/veg/3cups serving grams kg lb oz 15 0.0 3.0 1.0
Salad dressing, KRAFT Ranch Dressing tbsp grams kg lb oz 74 7.8 0.7 0.2
Water, bottled, unsweetened cup fl oz bottle (12 fl oz) bottle (8 fl oz) bottle bottle (16.9 fl oz or 500 ml) bottle (1 liter) grams kg lb oz 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Cookie, chocolate chip cup, bite size cubic inch Pepperidge Farm Chocolate Chunk Pecan Cookie big cookie (3-1/2" - 4" dia) (include Grandma brand) large (include Keebler Rich 'n Chips, Pecan Chips Deluxe) medium (approx 2" dia) small bite size (include Mini Chips Ahoy!) Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Keebler Rainbow Chips Deluxe Subway cookie grams kg lb oz 205 10.4 26.9 2.3
Catfish, floured or breaded, fried cup, cooked, flaked oz, boneless, cooked oz, boneless, raw (yield after cooking) oz, with bone, cooked (yield after bone removed) oz, with bone, raw (yield after cooking, bone removed) cubic inch, boneless, cooked cubic inch, with bone, cooked (yield after bone removed) catfish fillet (5" x 2-1/2" x 3/8") large catfish (yield after cooking, bone removed) medium bullhead (yield after cooking, bone removed) medium catfish (yield after cooking, bone removed) small catfish (yield after cooking, bone removed) grams kg lb oz 539 32.7 19.2 39.5
Fudge, brown sugar (penuche) cubic inch piece, 1 cubic inch grams kg lb oz 88 2.5 16.9 0.5
WheyProtein/Strawberry serving grams kg lb oz 140 2.0 4.0 26.0
VeggieStraws/36 serving grams kg lb oz 130 7.0 15.0 1.0
Hope your Friday is going well and you have prepared yourself for the weekend.  I didnt start mine well but it will end well.

 With  I will succeed.
HW: 280 - LW: 190 - GW - 180  
Unfilled 8/15/11 - WT:  209
1st Fill 11/29/11 - WT: 215.5 - 3cc
2/20/12 - New Goal - Get n Onederland
2nd Fill 4/26/12 - WT: 224.0 - 3cc

on 10/5/11 10:16 pm, edited 10/6/11 12:06 am
Topic: Thurs 10/6/11 - Accountability
Still working at it. You can post daily about your diet and exercise without being obsessed and have a normal healthy life.
Weight loss is just a part of my life that is shared online with people like me. People trying to get and remain healthier, smaller and stronger. Some of us have frequent ups and downs that require us to spell it out to an understanding viewer and sometimes even kick us in the rear.
Not kicking myself today, just taking one day at a time.
Exercise completed - 30 yoga, 30 toning. Vitamins taken. Menu for today is a little carb heavy.
Food NameAmountUnitCalsFat (g)Carbs (g)Prot (g)Delete
PoweradeZero/32oz serving grams kg lb oz00.00.00.0
Coffee, decaffeinated fl oz coffee cup (6 fl oz) mug (8 fl oz) grams kg lb oz50.01.01.0
UnjuryUnflavored/1pkg serving grams kg lb oz200.00.05.0
Egg, whole, boiled cup egg extra large jumbo large medium slice small grams kg lb oz775.30.66.3
Banana, raw cup cup, mashed cup, sliced oz yields slice small (6" to 6-7/8" long) extra small (less than 6" long) medium (7" to 7-7/8" long) extra large (9" or longer) large (8" to 8-7/8" long) linear inch grams kg lb oz530.213.50.6
Creamer liter fl oz cup pint quart gallon tablespoon teaspoon703.010.00.0
Pasta/ChickenProsciuttoTortelloni/cup serving grams kg lb oz1654.523.07.5
BeefJerky/Teriyaki/JackLink/1oz serving grams kg lb oz801.05.014.0
Milk/Almond/Van/unswt/40 serving grams kg lb oz403.52.01.0
Oatmeal, cooked, quick (1 or 3 minutes) cup, cooked cup, dry, yields oz, dry, yields grams kg lb oz731.212.73.0
Butter cup tablespoon individual container pat Guideline amount per slice of bread/roll grams kg lb oz364.10.00.0
Water, bottled, unsweetened cup fl oz bottle (12 fl oz) bottle (8 fl oz) bottle bottle (16.9 fl oz or 500 ml) bottle (1 liter) grams kg lb oz00.00.00.0
WheyProtein/Strawberry serving grams kg lb oz1402.04.026.0
CoolWhipSF/2Tbsp serving grams kg lb oz1206.018.00.0
Chicken, wing oz, with bone, cooked (yield after bone removed) oz, with bone, raw (yield after cooking, bone removed) "drummette" (mini drumstick from a wing) large wing (yield after cooking, bone removed) medium wing (yield after cooking, bone removed) small wing (yield after cooking, bone removed) grams kg lb oz16411.00.015.2
Cookies/VanWafers/8 serving grams kg lb oz2404.048.02.0
Take care and have a great Thursday. My son had accident and torn up himself and my car. It was an older second car but stressed me.

 With  I will succeed.
HW: 280 - LW: 190 - GW - 180  
Unfilled 8/15/11 - WT:  209
1st Fill 11/29/11 - WT: 215.5 - 3cc
2/20/12 - New Goal - Get n Onederland
2nd Fill 4/26/12 - WT: 224.0 - 3cc

on 10/4/11 10:53 pm
Topic: Wed 10/5/2011 - Accountability
Good Morning,
Hope you are in a jumping mood.  If so you will jump on your plan to exercise, drink plenty of liquids, take your vitamins and make sure your protein intake is according to plan.  As always we want to eat smart.
Today I did 15 minutes at 3.5 on the treadmill.  Took my vitamins and will get my water in during the day.  My menu is as follows:
Food Name Amount Unit Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g) Delete
PoweradeZero/32oz serving grams kg lb oz 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Coffee, decaffeinated fl oz coffee cup (6 fl oz) mug (8 fl oz) grams kg lb oz 5 0.0 1.0 1.0
Coffee, decaffeinated fl oz coffee cup (6 fl oz) mug (8 fl oz) grams kg lb oz 5 0.0 1.0 1.0
UnjuryUnflavored/1pkg serving grams kg lb oz 20 0.0 0.0 5.0
Egg, whole, boiled cup egg extra large jumbo large medium slice small grams kg lb oz 154 10.6 1.1 12.5
ChickenBreastCanned/98%FF/InWater serving 70 1.5 0.0 12.0
MiracleWhipReg/1Tbsp serving grams kg lb oz 40 3.5 2.0 0.0
Relish/NoSugar/1Tbsp serving grams kg lb oz 0 0.0 1.0 0.0
PureProteinRevolution/ChocPeanCarmel serving grams kg lb oz 180 6.0 17.0 20.0
WheyProtein/PntBtrChoc serving grams kg lb oz 130 2.0 0.0 26.0
Banana, raw cup cup, mashed cup, sliced oz yields slice small (6" to 6-7/8" long) extra small (less than 6" long) medium (7" to 7-7/8" long) extra large (9" or longer) large (8" to 8-7/8" long) linear inch grams kg lb oz 53 0.2 13.5 0.6
ViennaSauage/Lite/Can serving grams kg lb oz 175 12.5 5.0 12.0
Have a great day.

 With  I will succeed.
HW: 280 - LW: 190 - GW - 180  
Unfilled 8/15/11 - WT:  209
1st Fill 11/29/11 - WT: 215.5 - 3cc
2/20/12 - New Goal - Get n Onederland
2nd Fill 4/26/12 - WT: 224.0 - 3cc

on 10/3/11 11:04 pm
Topic: Tues 10/4/11 - Accountability
Happy to be here today.  Looking forward to a great day.  Exercise this morning completing 30 min yoga and 30 min toning has invigorated me and hope yours has done the same for u.  Drinking y liquids and taking my vitamins.  My menu for today looks really good.  I may add a salad and some additional calories if I get hungry.
Here's my plan:
Food Name Amount Unit Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g) Delete
Cheese, Cheddar or American type cup, melted cup, shredded cup cubic inch slice cracker-size slice grams kg lb oz 86 6.8 1.2 5.0
Salami, dry or hard cup cubic inch slice (1-3/4" dia x 1/8" thick) slice (3-1/8" dia x 1/16" thick) slice grams kg lb oz 77 6.0 0.8 4.6
PoweradeZero/32oz serving grams kg lb oz 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
BeefJerky/Teriyaki/JackLink/1oz serving grams kg lb oz 80 1.0 5.0 14.0
Coffee, decaffeinated fl oz coffee cup (6 fl oz) mug (8 fl oz) grams kg lb oz 5 0.0 1.0 1.0
Water, bottled, unsweetened cup fl oz bottle (12 fl oz) bottle (8 fl oz) bottle bottle (16.9 fl oz or 500 ml) bottle (1 liter) grams kg lb oz 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Coffee, decaffeinated fl oz coffee cup (6 fl oz) mug (8 fl oz) grams kg lb oz 5 0.0 1.0 1.0
Oatmeal, cooked, quick (1 or 3 minutes) cup, cooked cup, dry, yields oz, dry, yields grams kg lb oz 73 1.2 12.7 3.0
Butter cup tablespoon individual container pat Guideline amount per slice of bread/roll grams kg lb oz 36 4.1 0.0 0.0
ChocolateCake/Microwave serving grams kg lb oz 160 5.0 15.0 16.0
Flatbread/WheatThinGarlic&Parsley2pcs serving grams kg lb oz 90 2.2 18.0 1.5
Unjury/ChickenSoup serving 90 0.0 1.0 21.0
UnjuryUnflavored/1pkg serving grams kg lb oz 20 0.0 0.0 5.0
Bacon, cooked cup, pieces oz, cooked oz, raw (yield after cooking) medium slice (yield after cooking) thick slice (yield after cooking) thin slice (yield after cooking) grams kg lb oz 87 6.7 0.2 5.9
Pork chop, broiled or baked cup, cooked, diced oz, boneless, cooked oz, boneless, raw (yield after cooking) oz, with bone, cooked (yield after bone removed) oz, with bone, raw (yield after cooking, bone removed) cubic inch, boneless, cooked large (8 oz, with bone, raw) (yield after cooking, bone removed) medium (5.5 oz, with bone, raw) (yield after cooking, bone removed) small or thin cut (3 oz, with bone, raw) (yield after cooking, bone removed) grams kg lb oz 216 12.4 0.0 24.4
Take care and work with your plan.

 With  I will succeed.
HW: 280 - LW: 190 - GW - 180  
Unfilled 8/15/11 - WT:  209
1st Fill 11/29/11 - WT: 215.5 - 3cc
2/20/12 - New Goal - Get n Onederland
2nd Fill 4/26/12 - WT: 224.0 - 3cc

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