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on 10/18/09 1:49 pm - Leitchfield, KY
Topic: RE: Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital
I am assuming you are a teacher? If so, is your insurance paying for VSG or are you self pay. I am curious because I am a school board employee and have also been researching all the options. Thanks!
on 10/18/09 12:30 pm - KY
Topic: RE: Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital
I had my DS in Nov 08. I was treated very well  and I did not have to wait  for anything. I had my surgery on Tuesday and was discharged on Friday. My mother stayed at my bedside after  I arrived to ICU until my discharge.She stills makes comments on how nice and helpful the staff were to her.
I  was in ICU my entire hospital stay because they were painting the unit where  the bariatric patients usually go post-op. I have a severe latex allergy so I can not be around latex paint.
Dr. Husted was great I will be seeing him again in Nov for my year follow-up. I can not believe that it will be a year already in Nov.
Good Luck on your journey
on 10/18/09 8:46 am - madison, IN
on 10/18/09 8:43 am
Topic: RE: looking at weight loss helps
I have had very few problems and most of them were honestly user error. The first thing I did was swallow a big wad of chewing gum, and then a few weeks ago I had an issue were I got something stuck and instead of calling the doctor immediately I waited almost a week and got myself in such a mess that I had to have my fluid drained but i am alsmot completely re-filled.

Our surgeon has a post surgery diet plan for the band and is something along the lines of this(it's been almost 2 years so I am not guaranteeing this is exactly it):
For 2 weeks post op- liquids
Week 3- pureed foods(apple sauce, puddings etc)
Week 4- soft foods(mashed potatoes, whole grain pasta etc)
Week 5- you start introducing more solid foods and should be almost totally back to regular foods

I do not know what the diet plan is for any of the other procedures but I'm sure someone on here could tell you.

I do not believe hypoglycemia is a problem

Anything else let me know
on 10/18/09 7:59 am - Louisville, KY
Topic: RE: a funny story..silly post
That is so funny.  Me too... I have been working out with this "friend" on and off for years.  I hadn't seen her for a while.  I said hello after the class.  She hadn't recognized me.  I was a little offended because she didn't say Hi the last couple of times I saw her.  She was so happy for me.  

Becky in Kentucky
on 10/18/09 7:50 am - KY
Topic: a funny story..silly post
  As the name denotes I teach PreK. I had a student a few years back whose younger sibling is in my coworkers class.  I saw them at Wally World (where else, right?) and told the mom the little one's blanket was rubbing on the ground. She told the kid than looked at me when I said hi to the girls.  I got the strangest who the HELL are you look .....and then! A light bulb went off in her head.... ITeach; is that you? Oh My God you look great!
   It is funny not to be recognized. It happened at the pharmacy the other day a family member of a student who did not recognize me.
  If you are contemplating WLS it has changed alot in my life, and it is wonderful for me. Everyones journeys are different but mine has been great and the support from other patients has been a great source of help to me!

on 10/18/09 7:44 am - KY
Topic: RE: looking at weight loss helps
I do not know about your insurance but go ahead and have the sleep tests. I was CERTAIN I did not have have it, did and got a cpap and I swear as soon as I used it I noticed a huge difference. Sleeping better will help with almost everything.
Keep looking at WLS it sure as heck helped me.  Read my blog in its entirety if you have awhile, I went thru some stuff to get it done, but it was truely worth it for me.
In 6.5 months I have lost 113 pounds- I still have about 30 to go, but hell yes I'll take it!

good luck and if you have specific insurance questions post them here I am sure the Guru will answer you...she is an awesome advocate!
on 10/18/09 7:25 am - KY
Topic: RE: hi
She does seem small, but still seems small to! I don't think I will ever get where you are...
on 10/18/09 6:26 am
Topic: RE: looking at weight loss helps
thank you Wendy...

i'm doing exactly that.... read read read!!! 

how was it after the surgery?  i hear stories from time to time about people having problems after this or that procedure, and at the time, i didn't pay much attention to it... i still kept thinking i could do this myself...

i understand that some of the procedures require a period of time for only liquid foods, or baby foods...

i'm hypoglycemic, is that a problem? 

thanks again!
on 10/18/09 4:45 am
Topic: RE: looking at weight loss helps
Everyone on here can 100% sympathize with your struggles.

Some of the best advice I can give is research research research. My husband, mother-in-law and I all have the band and we love it. I also have numerous friends and 4 cousins who have had the bypass and it has made a world of difference. I know very little about the other WLS procedures but a lot of the people on this board have had other things done like the sleeve and the switch and have had great success.
The band was relativley the easiest surgery I've ever had. My husband had it on a Weds and played 18 holes of golf the following Thurs.
My docotr is Thomas Sonnanstine he is located in Georgetown Ky. We live 5ish miles south of Cincy so we drive about an hour to see him. I have heard excellent things about other surgeons located all across the state though.
I'm sorry I know exactly nothing about insurance.

I wish you much luck and ask plenty of questions on here sometimes it takes a bit for people to get back to you on here but they can be very helpful.

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