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(deactivated member)
on 11/15/11 1:58 am - LOUISVILLE, KY
Topic: RE: Hello
Theres one at Norton Surburban weightmanagement center on the 4th Thursday of every month, and theres one at Baptisteast hospital the 3rd Thursday of every month @6pm.Hope that helps.
on 11/14/11 8:19 am
Topic: Accountability
Hi All,
Just a short note to say all went well with my barium swallow.  Esophagus is good everything went in and came out fine.  Called doctor and its all good for a fill.  However a few changes at doctors office so still gotta wait for that fill.  Going out of town for a couple of weeks so that interferred with appt she set.  Really wanted to get in Thursday on my bandiversary but looks like that won't happen.  I've waited this long guess I'll be ok. 
Think I'll stop posting for a while until I get my fill and start from scratch.  Hope all of you do well and keep the Kentucky site active.  If not, I'll be back for better or worse.

 With  I will succeed.
HW: 280 - LW: 190 - GW - 180  
Unfilled 8/15/11 - WT:  209
1st Fill 11/29/11 - WT: 215.5 - 3cc
2/20/12 - New Goal - Get n Onederland
2nd Fill 4/26/12 - WT: 224.0 - 3cc

on 11/13/11 12:33 pm, edited 11/14/11 11:46 am
Topic: Lap band removal

I am interested in information from members who have are planning  to or will have band removed.My band was less than 2 years old, the port was removed due to infection. the band is eroded, I am now planning the second attempt to remove the band,  I appreciate your insight.


on 11/10/11 9:18 pm
Topic: Fri. 11/11/11 - Accountability
I get my barium swallow today.  No food yet.  Will post info later if they tell me.  Unfortunately I may have to wait on my surgeons review and report.  Have a great Friday and try to remember to eat protein first, drink plenty of liquids, chew your food well. Taking your vitamins daily and exercising helps too.

 With  I will succeed.
HW: 280 - LW: 190 - GW - 180  
Unfilled 8/15/11 - WT:  209
1st Fill 11/29/11 - WT: 215.5 - 3cc
2/20/12 - New Goal - Get n Onederland
2nd Fill 4/26/12 - WT: 224.0 - 3cc

on 11/10/11 8:22 am, edited 11/9/11 8:23 pm
Topic: Thurs. 11/10/11 - Accountability
Hello KY,
Just posting to say, contrary to what u have heard in the past the world is going to end today. Or at least that is what my appetite believed. I ate today like it was my last supper. However if this is not true, I will have to make some changes in my menu hence forth.
Or it could be that I get my barium swallow tomorrow and things look good, I get to have a fill and get some restriction. Maybe I'm excited because I'll be a bandster in more than name only.
Here's what I had for my last supper.
Food NameAmountUnitCalsFat (g)Carbs (g)Prot (g)Delete
BeefJerkyNuggets/JL/SwtnHot/1oz serving grams kg lb oz2103.018.030.0
Salad/Housewbacon/Kit serving grams kg lb oz48036.021.015.0
Water, bottled, unsweetened cup fl oz bottle (12 fl oz) bottle (8 fl oz) bottle bottle (16.9 fl oz or 500 ml) bottle (1 liter) grams kg lb oz00.00.00.0
Turnip greens, cooked, from fresh, fat added in cooking cup, fresh grams kg lb oz926.09.52.5
Cornbread, prepared from mix cup, crumbled cubic inch piece square cornbread (8" pan) grams kg lb oz41913.662.611.1
McDONALD'S, Sausage Patty oz grams kg lb oz11611.30.44.4
Candy/Dots/Snacksize/2bxs serving grams kg lb oz1500.036.00.0
Candy/Lemonheads/Snacksize/1bx serving grams kg lb oz450.011.00.0
Candy/LemhedFrenChewy/Snksze/1bx serving grams kg lb oz1600.040.00.0
HamburgerBun serving grams kg lb oz1202.023.04.0
ChickenBreastCanned/98%FF/InWater serving701.50.012.0

If you ate the bad stuff. I hope it will be your last supper of that kind too.
Take care,

 With  I will succeed.
HW: 280 - LW: 190 - GW - 180  
Unfilled 8/15/11 - WT:  209
1st Fill 11/29/11 - WT: 215.5 - 3cc
2/20/12 - New Goal - Get n Onederland
2nd Fill 4/26/12 - WT: 224.0 - 3cc

on 11/9/11 9:23 am
Topic: Wed. 11/9/11 - Accountability
Sorry to say I have gone carb wild again.  My fat count is low, my calorie count is low.  Now the bad news.  My protein count is low and my carb count is high.  If only all calories were created equal my menu would be ok.  No excuse but gotta get my head on straight.
Here's what I ate today
Food Name Amount Unit Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g) Delete
Coffee fl oz coffee cup (6 fl oz) large fast food order mug (8 fl oz) small fast food order medium fast food order small pot (20 FO, 4 servings) regular pot (60 FO, 12 servings) grams kg lb oz 5 0.1 0.2 0.6
Creamer/Hazelnut/SF/1tbsp serving grams kg lb oz 30 2.5 2.0 0.0
Bacon, cooked cup, pieces oz, cooked oz, raw (yield after cooking) medium slice (yield after cooking) thick slice (yield after cooking) thin slice (yield after cooking) grams kg lb oz 87 6.7 0.2 5.9
Egg, whole, boiled cup egg extra large jumbo large medium slice small grams kg lb oz 77 5.3 0.6 6.3
Water, bottled, unsweetened cup fl oz bottle (12 fl oz) bottle (8 fl oz) bottle bottle (16.9 fl oz or 500 ml) bottle (1 liter) grams kg lb oz 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Dressing/LiteItalianFitnActv/2Tbsp serving grams kg lb oz 35 2.0 4.0 0.0
Salad/RomaineMix/w/veg/3cups serving grams kg lb oz 15 0.0 3.0 1.0
SaladTopping/Jalapenocrunchies serving grams kg lb oz 40 0.0 3.0 0.0
SpecialKBar/ChocoPretzel serving grams kg lb oz 90 2.0 17.0 1.0
Bread/WhtHolGrn/slice serving grams kg lb oz 70 5.0 16.0 4.0
UnjuryUnflavored/1pkg serving grams kg lb oz 26 0.0 0.0 6.6
Turnip greens, cooked, from fresh, fat added in cooking cup, fresh grams kg lb oz 92 6.0 9.5 2.5
Cornbread, prepared from mix cup, crumbled cubic inch piece square cornbread (8" pan) grams kg lb oz 140 4.5 20.9 3.7
Chicken, drumstick, coated, baked or fried, prepared with sk... cup, cooked, diced oz, boneless, cooked oz, boneless, raw (yield after cooking) oz, with bone, cooked (yield after bone removed) oz, with bone, raw (yield after cooking, bone removed) cubic inch, boneless, cooked large drumstick (yield after cooking, bone removed) medium drumstick (yield after cooking, bone removed) small drumstick (yield after cooking, bone removed) grams kg lb oz 194 11.3 5.9 16.2
Cookies/VanWafers/8 serving grams kg lb oz 240 4.0 48.0 2.0
Don't do as I did, do better.  Eat your protein first. I'll work on that tomorrow.

 With  I will succeed.
HW: 280 - LW: 190 - GW - 180  
Unfilled 8/15/11 - WT:  209
1st Fill 11/29/11 - WT: 215.5 - 3cc
2/20/12 - New Goal - Get n Onederland
2nd Fill 4/26/12 - WT: 224.0 - 3cc

on 11/8/11 8:06 pm
Topic: Tuesday - 11/8/11 - Accountability
Tuesday I can say was a eating better day.  I took my vitamins and got a few odd jobs around the house done.  Hope you accomplished some of your goals.  
Got my appointment set up for Friday morning to get my barium swallow.  So by the time my 4th bandiversary arrives on the 16th I should know whether I will be among the filled bandsters.  Hope all goes well for you this week.
Here's what I ate:
Food Name Amount Unit Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g) Delete
Bread large slice regular slice thin slice grams kg lb oz 69 0.9 13.2 2.0
Bacon, cooked cup, pieces oz, cooked oz, raw (yield after cooking) medium slice (yield after cooking) thick slice (yield after cooking) thin slice (yield after cooking) grams kg lb oz 130 10.0 0.3 8.9
AppleCinnamon/FruitnGrainLFBar serving grams kg lb oz 140 2.5 27.0 2.0
ProteinShake/SpecK/FrenchVan serving grams kg lb oz 180 5.0 29.0 10.0
VitaminWaterZero/20oz serving grams kg lb oz 0 0.0 6.0 0.0
Crackers/Pnutbtr/4pk serving grams kg lb oz 130 6.0 16.0 0.0
Broccoli, cooked cup cup, flowerets floweret spear (about 5" long) grams kg lb oz 51 2.5 6.6 2.2
Chicken, breast, roasted, broiled, or baked cup, cooked, diced oz, boneless, cooked oz, boneless, raw (yield after cooking) oz, with bone, cooked (yield after bone removed) oz, with bone, raw (yield after cooking, bone removed) cubic inch, boneless, cooked breast quarter (yield after cooking, bone removed) medium slice (approx 2" x 1-1/2" x 1/4") thick slice (approx 2" x 1-1/2" x 3/8") thin slice (approx 2" x 1-1/2" x 1/8") large breast (yield after cooking, bone removed) medium breast (yield after cooking, bone removed) small breast (yield after cooking, bone removed) grams kg lb oz 166 6.6 0.0 25.1
Shrimp teriyaki (shrimp with soy-based sauce) (mixture) cup grams kg lb oz 135 1.6 6.7 19.7
Coffee fl oz coffee cup (6 fl oz) large fast food order mug (8 fl oz) small fast food order medium fast food order small pot (20 FO, 4 servings) regular pot (60 FO, 12 servings) grams kg lb oz 5 0.1 0.2 0.6
Creamer/Hazelnut/SF/1tbsp serving grams kg lb oz 30 2.5 2.0 0.0
Yes, I know that my carbs are too high and my protein could be a little more.  Been a slacker on my water too but that too will change.
Take care, eat smart and exercise.

 With  I will succeed.
HW: 280 - LW: 190 - GW - 180  
Unfilled 8/15/11 - WT:  209
1st Fill 11/29/11 - WT: 215.5 - 3cc
2/20/12 - New Goal - Get n Onederland
2nd Fill 4/26/12 - WT: 224.0 - 3cc

on 11/7/11 9:17 pm
Topic: Mon. 11/7/2011 - Accountability
Just to show u how backsliding can derail your whole day.  My nerves were working early and so I went to my usual fix, candy. Ate the whole box.  I was satisfied and sorry.  Here's what my menu looked like. Had I not given in to my bad habit.  It would have been a great day.
I did take my vitamins.  Tuesday will be better.
Food Name Amount Unit Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g) Delete
Candy/HotTamales serving grams kg lb oz 600 0.0 144.0 0.0
Coffee fl oz coffee cup (6 fl oz) large fast food order mug (8 fl oz) small fast food order medium fast food order small pot (20 FO, 4 servings) regular pot (60 FO, 12 servings) grams kg lb oz 5 0.1 0.2 0.6
Creamer liter fl oz cup pint quart gallon tablespoon teaspoon 35 1.5 5.0 0.0
Water, bottled, unsweetened cup fl oz bottle (12 fl oz) bottle (8 fl oz) bottle bottle (16.9 fl oz or 500 ml) bottle (1 liter) grams kg lb oz 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Rice, cooked cup, cooked cup, dry, yields oz, dry, yields grams kg lb oz 106 0.8 21.8 2.1
Broccoli, cooked cup cup, flowerets floweret spear (about 5" long) grams kg lb oz 51 2.5 6.6 2.2
Chicken, breast, roasted, broiled, or baked cup, cooked, diced oz, boneless, cooked oz, boneless, raw (yield after cooking) oz, with bone, cooked (yield after bone removed) oz, with bone, raw (yield after cooking, bone removed) cubic inch, boneless, cooked breast quarter (yield after cooking, bone removed) medium slice (approx 2" x 1-1/2" x 1/4") thick slice (approx 2" x 1-1/2" x 3/8") thin slice (approx 2" x 1-1/2" x 1/8") large breast (yield after cooking, bone removed) medium breast (yield after cooking, bone removed) small breast (yield after cooking, bone removed) grams kg lb oz 166 6.6 0.0 25.1
Shrimp teriyaki (shrimp with soy-based sauce) (mixture) cup grams kg lb oz 135 1.6 6.7 19.7
Chicken, leg (drumstick and thigh) cup, cooked, diced oz, boneless, cooked oz, boneless, raw (yield after cooking) oz, with bone, cooked (yield after bone removed) oz, with bone, raw (yield after cooking, bone removed) cubic inch, boneless, cooked large leg (yield after cooking, bone removed) leg quarter (yield after cooking, bone removed) medium leg (yield after cooking, bone removed) small leg (yield after cooking, bone removed) grams kg lb oz 258 14.9 0.0 28.8
Turnip greens, cooked, from fresh, fat added in cooking cup, fresh grams kg lb oz 92 6.0 9.5 2.5
Cornbread, prepared from mix cup, crumbled cubic inch piece square cornbread (8" pan) grams kg lb oz 140 4.5 20.9 3.7
Have a great day.

 With  I will succeed.
HW: 280 - LW: 190 - GW - 180  
Unfilled 8/15/11 - WT:  209
1st Fill 11/29/11 - WT: 215.5 - 3cc
2/20/12 - New Goal - Get n Onederland
2nd Fill 4/26/12 - WT: 224.0 - 3cc

on 11/6/11 8:22 am
Topic: Sun - 11/6/11 - Accountability
Sunday has been a good day. Took my vitamins today and drank more liquids.   I'll be glad when my cool whip is gone.  Love it with vanilla wafers.  May just eat it all tonight and get on the right track.  Hope all of u did well.  Here's what I ate:
Food Name Amount Unit Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g) Delete
Coffee fl oz coffee cup (6 fl oz) large fast food order mug (8 fl oz) small fast food order medium fast food order small pot (20 FO, 4 servings) regular pot (60 FO, 12 servings) grams kg lb oz 5 0.1 0.2 0.6
Creamer liter fl oz cup pint quart gallon tablespoon teaspoon 35 1.5 5.0 0.0
Salsa/Fre****bsp serving grams kg lb oz 40 0.0 8.0 0.0
Tortilla Chips serving grams kg lb oz 300 14.0 38.0 4.0
UnjuryUnflavored/1pkg serving grams kg lb oz 80 0.0 0.0 20.0
Chicken, breast, roasted, broiled, or baked cup, cooked, diced oz, boneless, cooked oz, boneless, raw (yield after cooking) oz, with bone, cooked (yield after bone removed) oz, with bone, raw (yield after cooking, bone removed) cubic inch, boneless, cooked breast quarter (yield after cooking, bone removed) medium slice (approx 2" x 1-1/2" x 1/4") thick slice (approx 2" x 1-1/2" x 3/8") thin slice (approx 2" x 1-1/2" x 1/8") large breast (yield after cooking, bone removed) medium breast (yield after cooking, bone removed) small breast (yield after cooking, bone removed) grams kg lb oz 222 8.7 0.0 33.5
Lettuce, raw cup, shredded or chopped oz, raw, yields large head large leaf medium head (6" dia) medium leaf small head small leaf grams kg lb oz 8 0.1 1.6 0.5
Pepper, raw cup cup, chopped cup, sliced cup, strips large medium ring small grams kg lb oz 2 0.0 0.5 0.1
Onions, sweet, raw onion serving grams kg lb oz 16 0.0 3.7 0.4
Cheese sauce cup grams kg lb oz 109 8.0 4.6 4.8
Cheese, Mozzarella cup cup, diced cup, shredded cubic inch cheese curd slice (1 oz) stick cracker-size slice grams kg lb oz 85 5.7 1.1 7.3
Candy/RedHots/1.3ozbox serving grams kg lb oz 140 0.0 34.0 0.0
CoolWhipSF/2Tbsp serving grams kg lb oz 100 5.0 15.0 0.0
Cookies/VanWafers/8 serving grams kg lb oz 120 2.0 24.0 1.0
Wishing u well on ur weightloss journey this week.

 With  I will succeed.
HW: 280 - LW: 190 - GW - 180  
Unfilled 8/15/11 - WT:  209
1st Fill 11/29/11 - WT: 215.5 - 3cc
2/20/12 - New Goal - Get n Onederland
2nd Fill 4/26/12 - WT: 224.0 - 3cc

on 11/5/11 10:53 pm
Topic: Sat 11/5/11 - Accountability
I knew something was missing yesterday.  Journaling done, but oops forgot to post it and don't I know why.  Carbs up, protein and calories down.  Did not drink my water or take my vitamins.  Yeah, its rare but guess the DH is right, I'm not perfect.
Food Name Amount Unit Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g) Delete
Coffee fl oz coffee cup (6 fl oz) large fast food order mug (8 fl oz) small fast food order medium fast food order small pot (20 FO, 4 servings) regular pot (60 FO, 12 servings) grams kg lb oz 5 0.1 0.2 0.6
Candy/RedHots/1.3ozbox serving grams kg lb oz 140 0.0 34.0 0.0
ChickenBreastCanned/98%FF/InWater serving 140 3.0 0.0 24.0
Cookies/VanWafers/8 serving grams kg lb oz 120 2.0 24.0 1.0
CoolWhipSF/2Tbsp serving grams kg lb oz 100 5.0 15.0 0.0
Crackers/Pnutbtr/4pk serving grams kg lb oz 130 6.0 16.0 0.0
Dressing/LiteItalianFitnActv/2Tbsp serving grams kg lb oz 35 2.0 4.0 0.0
FishFillet(2) serving grams kg lb oz 290 14.0 29.0 14.0
FruitMedley/Dried 1/4cup serving grams kg lb oz 80 3.0 13.0 0.0
Salad/RomaineMix/w/veg/3cups serving grams kg lb oz 30 0.0 6.0 2.0
SaladTopping/CrispyOnions serving grams kg lb oz 35 2.0 4.0 0.0
UnjuryUnflavored/1pkg serving grams kg lb oz 40 0.0 0.0 10.0
Coffee fl oz coffee cup (6 fl oz) large fast food order mug (8 fl oz) small fast food order medium fast food order small pot (20 FO, 4 servings) regular pot (60 FO, 12 servings) grams kg lb oz 5 0.1 0.2 0.6
Creamer liter fl oz cup pint quart gallon tablespoon teaspoon 35 1.5 5.0 0.0

Hope all of you had a good Saturday and hope your Sunday will be even better.  Going mexican for lunch this Sunday.  It is our turn to feed the minister but I will try to keep the carbs down.  Until later,

 With  I will succeed.
HW: 280 - LW: 190 - GW - 180  
Unfilled 8/15/11 - WT:  209
1st Fill 11/29/11 - WT: 215.5 - 3cc
2/20/12 - New Goal - Get n Onederland
2nd Fill 4/26/12 - WT: 224.0 - 3cc

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