Recent Posts
on 10/30/09 2:45 pm
on 10/30/09 2:45 pm
Topic: new to ky post, hi all, Having ds.
I am having Ds with doc Husted, has anyone ask him for a longer cc? Worried about bonelose.
Topic: RE: Weight Check in
Wow! Thats really great. I'm proud of ya. Don't really care about the pics...just like to hear how everyone is doing and how it helped them. Sounds like you made a great decision. Which makes me happier that I'm getting this surgery done and can't wait. Keep me updated please. Best of luck and hope all is well
Topic: RE: Weight Check in
i cant seem to get the pics to post sorry...ive lost 79 lbs ans soooo happy...i was diabetic and my three mths labs showed my a1c at 5.3--this is normal for anyone...this is really the best decision i ever made in my life...
Topic: RE: KY/Indiana DS Group get together
Thank you Maria. It would be very nice to get together with the DSers before my surgery. I really hope I can be there.
Topic: RE: KY/Indiana DS Group get together
We would LOVE to have you. Don't feel like you have to bring anything, just come on by and introduce yourself! I had no idea what it would mean to me to have this local group of DSers to share with. I have become close friends with them and they are all wonderful people. Since there aren't very many of us DSers around, we can feel sort of isolated, but getting together with other DSers helps a great deal!!!!!
Topic: RE: KY/Indiana DS Group get together
Dr Inman because Dr Husted doen't have the COE yet and I have to have that for my ins. Thanks I would love to attend if time permits. Thanks, Betty
Topic: RE: Nortons Bari Halloween Shin-dig! and a happy note
Boo!!! I missed it! Wanted to go but had to watch grandkids while son & his wife moved into their house. Hope Norton's does it again in near future. Sounds like you all had a great time, teach!
Congrats on your size 14 jeans- Woo-Hoo!!

Congrats on your size 14 jeans- Woo-Hoo!!
Topic: RE: Survivor Weekend
Being stuck in the same 2 pound range for months is starting to get to me. Overeating is not easy to do but not impossible. Congrats, Z, on doing such a great job! You rock!!! Emotional roller coaster has taken me back into some bad eating habits. Getting back to the gym this week-end and getting back on track is my goal. Glad to know it CAN be done. CHEERS!

Topic: RE: KY/Indiana DS Group get together
Hi, Betty! Pre-ops are welcome! Are you going to Dr. Husted or Dr. Inman?
Topic: RE: KY/Indiana DS Group get together
Just wondering if this is only for people that have already had their surgery or can someone who is still waiting for their Dr app could attend. I have an app on Nov 19.
Thanks, Betty
Thanks, Betty