Carolyn "Sunni" Delph ~ update
I just got home from Kentucky and visiting Carolyn. My heart is breaking, things are much worse than was first believed. The cancer has completely ravished her body and there just isn't anything they can do but keep her as comfortable as possible. Out of respect for her I won't go into any more details.
Please Please Please EVERYONE take your vitamins, drink your water, EAT FOOD, keep your appointments with your doctor and be aware of what your body is telling you. If your body gets weak and malnourished it can't fight and illness and disease get free reign.
I am exhausted both mentally and physically so I will close for now. Please keep Carolyn, Robert and their families in your prayers. I will keep updates posted here.
Jeannie, I was and still am in shock since getting your email last night. I just can't believe this has happened. Since she moved up here last summer she has been there for me and I hope I have for her along thru out our weight loss journeys. I had no idea that she was so sick. I am sending up prayers for her, her hubby, family and good friends like u. If there is anything I can do please don't hesitate to ask. I pray that if its Gods will, He will touch her and heal her, if its not His will do that, I pray he comforts her and gives her peace.
I spoke to Roberttoday. They weren't able to do the surgery. Her blood levels are still to low. They have been giving her plasma and whole blood and will try again on Friday. She is doing as well as can be expected and we are all praying for amiracle. I haven't gotten to talk to her since I left. She is sleeping a lot which will help build her strength. Thanks to everyone for keeping her in your thoughts and prayers!!!