Anyones hair thinning out
HI I am about 4 mounts post op and I have been having trouble with my hair thinning out I try not to bru**** know more then I have to other then that I am doing great I have lost around 100 lbs and I feel like a new person if you have any info on this please e-mail me [email protected]
I started losing my hair at 3-4 months out, I had fine hair, but I HAD lots of it! I clean my hair out of the drain everytime I shower... and when I brush my hair, my brush is full of hair! I opted not to cut it short, I am hoping it will start growing back soon....I have heard that NIOXXIN helps...(You can get it at beauty shops) I have not gotten it, but only because it is not cheap! LOL
I hope you get some answers!