More Pre Op Appts and 14 days left!
Hello every one, this morning I went and saw the vascular surgeon at Nortons Suburban, he will be putting in my Vena Cava Filter next Thursday, March 17 at Nortons Suburban. It is an outpatient surgery and I will be able to come home soon after. He was very adamant about me getting the filter, not that I have ever had a blood clot, but he said people with a high BMI and people that weigh more have a higher chance of getting a pulmonary embolism. Its a 12% chance for me. So the filter will certainly help with that. Moving right along I also saw a pulmonary Dr today, lung Dr, he said I check out just fine. I did some breathing test and they were great. My chest Xrays were fine. He said he was going to fax Dr Shina the go ahead on me. In the morning I go back to Louisville to see a cardiologist. That will be all of my pre ops except for putting in the filter next week. Then 2 weeks from tomorrow I AM HAVING SURGERY, Yeah! I am so happy. I know it is going to be rough a day or two or more, but after all the pain, after every thing is said and done, I am going to be losing weight! Thank u Lord for this Chance.
I don't know how but I have lost 23-26lbs since Oct. I am flabbergasted, I have never been able to lose very much and now all of the sudden I weigh 300lbs, she said it might have been a pound or two less, she couldn't get her scale to stay (Shh, don't tell my insurance co, they may revoke their approval, lol) I will keep every one posted...By they way, would any one know how I can copy and paste this email to my profile site instead of rewriting it all? I am feeling lazy, lol!