Just have a question here.
Diane, this is not meant to scare you but I am recovering from surgery three weeks ago to remove part of my old tummy. Took forever to find the problem. I have had pain for 14 months on my left side directly under my rib cage, even felt like it was my rib cage and sometimes round to my back but mostly under my ribs. a sharp burning pain. I was treated for an ulcer for a year and when I was told it was well, I said but I am still having the same kind of pain in the same exact area. It got to the point early in January that i couldn't function and was living on pain pills. Finally, a cat scan showed what they thought was "something" maybe a fluid pouch in that area. My surgeon kept saying, I don't think it's cancer. Course I was all upset. Just two days after the first scan, he ordered another where they took a needle and tried to inject dye directly into the "thing" It had a hard capsule round it and they couldn't. He said tho that it was "something, he thought" filling up with fluid and pressing against my spleen causing me pain. At that point he still did not know what it was so scheduled me for exploratory lab and removal of a "retro gastric mass". When he got in, my old tummy had folded over and was holding fluid instead of letting it out. So that part of my tummy was removed. EGD's do not show this and sometimes scans don't either but usually will. If you keep hurting, insist on a scan of your abdomen and pelvic area. I suffered for 14 months from the ulcer, then my gallbladder, then this, which was probably there the whole time the ulcer was and was undetected. Good luck