How much do you eat?
So sorry I have not been in contact with you like I should but just have had so much going on
Judy you are gonna haft to S_L_O_W down eating if you haft to to help you eat with a baby spoon so you will take smaller bites hon if you dont get a holt of this now you will be right back were you started b-4 you had WLS and your WLS will have been for nothing and eating 120z at each meal is way to much and how many meals are you eating a day Im almost 2 yrs out and I eat 5 to 6 times a day and I can not even hold that much at one meal Please judy you have got to slow down try after each bite to lay your spoon or fork down after each bite and take time to try and chew your food at least 30 times each even a normal person that has not had WLS is suppose to chew their food that many times b-4 they swallow it
Judy you know you went threw WLS to get healthier but you are gonna haft to do your part as well this is only a TOOL its not a quick fix and its not easy but it can be done and I know you are a strong enough person to do it Iam not tell you all this stuff to be mean or nothing I just care for you we go back a long ways and I just do not want to see nothing bad happen to you and I know it is just head hunger we have all been threw it even me I would drink water or some ter liquid or get up and do something then in a lil while it would pass if after 30 mins or more after doing all that and it dd not pass then I would eat a snack try picking up some kind of hobbie to help you keep your mind off food so much you know you can call me anytime you need to talk : )
Take Care Huggs