An Apology to All:
Members of The Obesity Support Group
Daniel 5150
After a period of reflection, I have come to the conclusion that a series of apologies are in order from me to each active poster and lurker of this bulletin board.
In recent months I have come to think of many of you as many dearest friends and acquaintances that helped me through very troubling times. You were there to give me a pep talk in the darkest hour or to provide me guidance when it seemed the world in general was orchestrating to keep me from my goals. Words do not suffice for the thanks and gratitude I feel for your efforts on my behalf, but you have sincerest thank you to one and all that I had contact with.
As many here have learned, nothing is forever and I eventually received approval for my surgery and am well on my way to being the me on the outside that I have always felt on the inside. Such jubilant emotions are difficult, at best, to contain and in a moment of such expression I chose to attempt a gathering of those in my local area at a public recreation for those that might be interested.
Never considering for a moment that my actions would be offensive, quite the reverse actually, I was unaware that my action would be misconstrued as advertising for said recreation facility, rather then the joyous gathering of supporters that I had in mind. It came as quite a shock to me when my actions caused the deletion of my attempt at meeting my friends and supporters and further I was "advised" that I was no longer welcome within the bounds of this forum.
I was devastated to the point of tears.
Tears quickly transformed into anger and I lashed back. Foolishly and stupidly, I used inappropriate language and generalities for all to see. Shame was all I succeeded in fostering, rather then the sympathy that I felt was my due. Surprisingly, many of you saw through my anguish and posted such support in spite of my immature reaction.
I again offer my deepest apology to all those I have offended.
But, that is not the end of my compliant. It is my remaining concern that the moderators and administrators of this board chose a heavy-handed response, rather then an advisory e-mail detailing the error of my posting. I would have been able to edit my posting and learned the consequences such action can have, whether intentional or not. It has been my experience in life that such violations are lessons quickly learned and the one committing the act grows from the experience.
What did I learn from this?
Innocent mistakes are dealt with a heavy hand.
While intentions can lead one into ruin, honest mistakes are obvious and a mature administration would conduct their actions accordingly, especially when one considers that the central meaning of this board is to provide compassion and understanding.
At present I feel a great loss for the companionship I come to rely upon from many that frequent this haven on the internet, but I must now decide if such a place where I seek compassion and understanding is even in stock when actions such as those that were used on me exist so prevalently.
For those of you that wish to converse with me privately you may do so at my e-mail address:
[email protected]
I cannot say whether I will return or not, but I did feel it was my responsibility to apologize for my offensive actions.
Daniel 5150
daniel, if i were you, i would send a copy of this apology to the moderators or OH Staff. It really explains what you were trying to do well and I think you will be just as welcome as anyone else. Your post really did sound like a blantant sales pitch and they might not have even been aware that you are a member here. i know it is policy to dissallow sales pitches. I certainly wish you the best in your journey.