anyone know of a Dr that accepts medicaid?
Hi Brenda,
I was just browsing the Kentucky board out of interest as I live in Northern Ky...
We do a lot of Kentucky Medicaid patients. There may be some place closer to you that takes Medicaid, but I don't know of the top of my head. If you meet the criteria, it's not hard to get approved.
Good luck,
Dr. C
The Deaconess Surgical Weight Loss Center
Cincinnati, Ohio (513) 559-2545
Hello Dr Argotte in mayfield ky accepts ky med cause thats what I have and so does several other ppl that has used him Dr Allen is a very good dr but read my profiel wih all the problems I had with his staff and know of several other ppl that had problems with staff also I had no problems at all wih med getting them to pay for WLS and all i had to end up paying is 26.00 dollars i think it was and that was for 1 of the office visits they also paid for my hernia repair TT I just had done on the 6th of last mth
best of luck to you
Take Care Huggs